
quán xiàng xìn biāo
  • Omnidirectional beacon;nodirectional beacon
全向信标[quán xiàng xìn biāo]
  1. 采用DSP处理器的甚高频全向信标/仪表着陆系统标准信号源

    Standard Signal Source for VHF Omni Direction Beacon / Instrument Landing System Based on DSP

  2. 受卫星导航的冲击,甚高频全向信标(VOR)在未来航行系统中将失去它的重要地位,最终可能关闭。

    Impacted by satellite navigation , VHF omnidirectional radio range ( VOR ), being a necessary navigation facility , will have litter and litter important role in future navigation system and may be turned off .

  3. 多普勒效应在全向信标导航中的应用

    Application of the Doppler effect in VOR navigation

  4. 关于波音737-300飞机VOR/全向信标系统分析与探讨

    Probe and Analysis of Boeing Aircraft VOR

  5. 甚高频全向信标改造成数字通信测向综合化系统的几种新方案

    New Methods to Reform VOR into an Integrated System of Digital Communication and Direction - finding