
There were no differences for live weight , dressing weight , eviscerated broiler , and dressing percentage among three dietary treatments ( P0.05 ) .
The results show that : ( 1 ) Dietary ME levels significantly affected eviscerated carcass weight rate and Abdominal fat rate of goslings ( P0.01 );
Eviscerated carcass weight and breast muscle rate : the grazing group was lower than the cage group .
Correlations of shank length with live , dressed , semi-eviscerated , eviscerated and wing weights changed from 0.49 to 0.68 in Wenchang chickens .
Weaned-rex rabbits ( 35 days ) were used to evaluate the effects of protein levels on average liveweight gain , carcass percentage and skin areas .
The effects of them on half carcass weight rate and eviscerated carcass weight rate was ME > interaction > CP , and all insignificantly ( P > 0.05 );
Eviscerated yield with giblet weight , eviscerated yield weight , breast muscle weight , leg muscle weight , abdomen fat weight , fat in muscle score and subcutaneous fat score ;
The Thr need developed by eviscerated carcass weight rate , breast meal rate , thigh meat rate and abdominal fat were 0.592 % , 0.642 , 0.614 % and 0.623 % , respectively .
The results as follow : Slaughter ratio 84 % , half net thorax weight ratio 90.0 % , whole net thorax weight ratio 80.2 % of JiLin White Geese at the age of 70 days .
The abdominal fat rate increased through the improvement of the nutrient levels . There were not significant ( P > 0.05 ) in the eviscerated carcass rate , the water content , sebum depth and leg muscle rate .
The experimental group also had an increasing tendency in semi-dressing percentage , dressing percentage , wing weight , wing root weight , breast bone weight and rib weight , but the differences were not significant ( P > 0.05 ) .
The two energy levels only had significant or very significant influence on the body weight of 12th weeks , dressed weight , half-eviscerated weight , eviscerated weight , abdominal fat weight , abdominal fat rate , muscular stomach weight and muscular stomach rate .
Female ducks slaughtering performance , rate of eviscerated yield 、 rate of eviscerated yield with giblets , meat factor rate all more than male duck ( P > 0.05 ), and the isoflavone from Pueraria lobata ( 10mg / kg ) is the best .