
  • 网络Full translation;The Arabian Nights
  1. 直到今年8月,还没有《新约全书》的蒙古语全译本。

    Until August of this year there was no complete translation of the New Testament in Mongolian .

  2. 第一章阐述了影响两个英文全译本完成的因素。

    Chapter One states some influential factors for the accomplishment of two complete English versions .

  3. 全译本、全版本、全片放映.游戏将会有一个非常全面的全局控制。

    Uncut versions , editions , showings The game will have a much more global scope .

  4. 就其英译本而言,至今已有三十多个全译本。

    Up to now , there have been more than thirty complete English versions of this Confucian classic .

  5. 莎士比亚十四行诗是国内译介非常频繁的诗集,迄今为止,仅全译本就有不下九种。

    Shakespeare sonnets are frequently translated . Up to now , there are at least 9 complete translations .

  6. 但是,与两个全译本相比,王际真的译本很少得到学者的关注。

    However , compared to the two complete versions , the abridged translation received much less attention from scholars .

  7. 海外传播的形式主要是全译本、节译本、大百科全书的介绍以及研究论著。

    The main forms are complete translated edition , partly translated edition , introduction of encyclopedia and some research treatises .

  8. 它的第一个英译本也是迄今为止唯一一个英文全译本于1979年由印第安那大学出版社出版。

    In 1979 Indiana University Press published its first English version which is the only complete English version till now .

  9. 《圣经》中文全译本的完成是近代基督教事业的一大成功的标志。

    The Chinese translation of the full text of the Holy Bible is a sign of success of moder Christianity .

  10. 现在不但有几种全译本,而且精读本及童话书籍也有几十种之多。

    There are presently not only several kinds of full translation versions , but also dozens of books of intensive reading and fairy tales .

  11. 《红楼梦》最受欢迎的两个英文译本当属杨宪益夫妇和霍克斯的全译本。

    Now the most popular translated versions of A Dream of Red Mansions are the two full versions translated by Yang Xianyi and David Hawkes .

  12. 自其两个英文全译本问世以来,翻译学者对它的翻译研究一直热情不减。

    Since the publication of its two English translations , translators and scholars have shown undiminished enthusiasm for researches on the translation of this novel .

  13. 自我国著名翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭于1980年翻译出版了三卷全译本《红楼梦》后,众多学者从不同的角度对其进行了研究。

    After the publication of the complete English versions of HLM , a large number of scholars make research of its translations from different perspectives .

  14. 同时,第四章介绍了《红楼梦》的几种英译本,尤其是杨氏夫妇翻译的全译本。

    Meanwhile , Chapter Four introduces English versions of Hong Lou Meng , especially the one translated by the Yangs : A Dream of Red Mansions .

  15. 同时出现的两个英文全译本分别由英国学者詹纳尔和美籍华人学者余国藩翻译完成。

    At that period of time , two full-translated English versions were published with Britain scholar W. J. F. Jenner and Chinese-American scholar Anthony C. Yu .

  16. 可是为什么人们到现在才接触到了这部作品的全译本呢?这主要是因为书中的直白的性描写。

    But why the full translated version of this work has not been available until 2004 ? That is mainly because of the sexual descriptions in it .

  17. 1983年美国民间学者赤松翻译的《寒山歌诗集》,是该诗集在英语世界出现的第一个全译本。

    The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain in1983 , which is translated by Red Pine , is the first complete translation of Cold Mountain Poems in western world .

  18. 美国著名女作家赛珍珠翻译的《水浒传》是这部中国古典名著的第一部英文全译本,在英语世界产生了很大反响。

    " All Men Are Brothers " is a well-known American woman writer Pearl S. Buck translated this Chinese classic , the first English translation in the English-speaking world had a great response .

  19. 而本文从文化视角出发,通过对红楼梦中部分诗词的译文比较,将两个全译本体现出来的中西文化差异进行了较为系统的论述。

    From the perspective of cultural consciousness , this thesis systematically expounds the cultural difference between China and the West by comparing the two English versions of some poems in Hong Lou Meng .

  20. 这两种翻译策略的统一性主要体现在全译本的四个方面:词汇、句法、文体和文化层面。

    The dynamic unity of the two translating strategies in the two full versions is demonstrated in the following aspects : the lexical level , the syntactic level , the stylistic level and the cultural level .

  21. 李约瑟《中国科学技术史》全译本作者序译文中有诸多谬译,非语文心理因素是造成这些谬译的部分原因。

    In the Chinese translation of " Preface for the Integral Translation of Science and Civilisation in China ", there found so large number of wrong translations , which were caused partly by the non-language factors .

  22. 时至今日,红楼梦已经被翻译成超过23种不同语言,60多个译本,其中有12本为全译本,同时为学习中国文化和中国语言翻译提供了丰富的素材。

    Up to now , Hong Lou Meng has more than 60 translated versions in 23 different languages , among which 12 are complete , which are the best resources for translation study of Chinese language and culture .

  23. 两个月前出版的首部《杜甫诗》英语全译本是哈佛学生的流行读物,杜甫也被冠以“东方的莎士比亚”的称号。

    The first complete translated English version of " The Poetry of Du Fu , " which was published two months ago , is widely read by students there and Du Fu is referred to as " Oriental Shakespeare . "

  24. 此中国文学名著被誉为中国文化百科全书,这两个全译本倍受翻译研究者关注,而该选段中的诸多语言现象曾被研究者从不同角度加以分析。

    This classic is regarded as " an encyclopedia of Chinese culture ", and the two complete English versions have aroused incessant interest of scholars on translation studies . Moreover , the chosen excerpt has been discussed by different scholars from various angles .

  25. 二十世纪三言二拍被翻译成了英语、法语、德语、俄语、日语等十几种语言,以节译本、选本、全译本等多种形式在世界各地流传。

    In the 20th century ," San-yen and Er-pai " was translated into English , French , German , Russian , Japanese and a couple of foreign languages , and spread abroad by many kinds of versions : abridged , elective or full version .

  26. 在所有的《红楼梦》英译版本中,只有两个全译本(即杨宪益、戴乃迭译本和大卫·霍克思、闵福德《石头记》译本),两种译本都取得了巨大的成功。

    Among all the English versions of Hong Lou Meng , there are only two complete versions ( A Dream of Red Mansions by Yang Xian-yi Gladys Yang , and The Story of the Stone by David Hawkes John Minford ), which both have achieved great success .

  27. 《红楼梦》被誉为中国语言与文化的百科全书。本文旨在通过对比分析《红楼梦》的两个全英译本,深入探讨风格传递这一问题。

    This thesis intends to get an insight into literary style transference . The main part is a comparative study of the two complete English versions of Hong Long Meng , an encyclopedia of Chinese language and culture .