xīn chuán
- pass on personal teachings to pupils;a theory passed on from generation to generation

(1) [pass on personal teachings to pupils]∶禅宗指不立文字,不依经卷,以师徒心心相印传授佛法
(2) [a theory passed on from generation to generation]∶泛指世世代代相传的学说
心传[xīn chuán]
The Distribution , Segmentation and Microscopic Structure of the Heart Conduction System Fibres in the Left and Right Ventricles of the Human Fetuses and Dogs
The morphology of the cardiac conduction system in the guinea - pig (ⅰ) : Light microscopic observation on the sinuatrial node , the atrioventricular node and the atrioventricular bundle of the guinea-pig