
fēnɡ jiàn zhènɡ tǒnɡ fǎ lǜ sī xiǎnɡ
  • orthodox feudal thoughts of law
  1. 中国封建正统法律思想的形成&从夏朝到西汉

    Form of the Chinese Feudalism Legitimate Law Thought

  2. 荀子的君权思想和礼法观可谓中国封建正统法律思想的雏形。

    The monarchic power thoughts of Xunzi is the embryo of Chinese feudalist law theory .

  3. 清末民初刑事诉讼制度变革研究晚清修律对封建正统法律思想的改易

    The Modification of Laws in the Late Qing Dynasty ── A Change in defiance of the Feudal Legal Conventions

  4. 作为封建正统法律思想的儒家法文化对维护社会统治起了重要作用,在近代却遭到一系列的冲击。

    The law culture of Confucianism as the traditional feudalism served an important function towards maintaining the social stability in history .

  5. 自汉朝以来,以儒家法律思想为主的封建正统法律思想在中国法律史上一直处于独尊独尚的地位。

    Since the Han Dynasty the Legal system in China had been exclusively dominated by the feudal legal conventions which chiefly embodied the Confucianist legal ideas .

  6. 中国封建正统法律思想在形成与发展的过程中呈现的是一种继承和交融的关系。

    Form of he Chinese feudalism legitimate law thought presented the relations with in the develop - ment process which was one kind of inheritance and blend .

  7. 孟荀法律思想中的重要内容对封建正统法律思想中的政治制度、刑事法律、经济法律等都产生了重要而深远的影响。

    Mencius and Xun Zi legal thought to the important contents of the orthodox legal thinking in the feudal political system , criminal law , economic law have produced an important and far-reaching impact .

  8. 第一部分共分两节,简介了封建正统法律思想的主要内涵和鸦片战争后中西法文化的冲突。

    The first part is divided into totally two sections , brief introductions of the main contents that the feudalism orthodox tradition of law thought is Opium War that empresses in the cultural clash in the west .

  9. 这种新儒学在汉武帝时期取代了黄老学的官方哲学地位,并在此后长期占据官方法律思想的地位,形成了封建正统法律思想。

    During the reign of Emperor Wu , this new Confucianism took the official philosophical position of the Huang-Lao thought and occupied this official position of legal ideology for a long time since , forming the orthodox feudal legal ideology .

  10. 两汉基于政治的稳定,经济的恢复和发展,汉武帝的个人才智和个性以及儒学自身发展的逻辑轨迹,确立了以新儒学为核心的封建正统法律思想。

    In the period of the Han Dynasty , considering political stability , economic rehabilitation and development , the intelligence and personality of Han emperor and logic trace of Confucianism established feudal formal law thoughts as the center of new Confucianism .

  11. 西汉前期是中国法律思想史上一个重要的时期,短短的几十年中,官方法律思想发生了由法到儒的巨大转变,封建正统法律思想逐渐形成。

    The early stage of the Western Han Dynasty is an important period in the history of Chinese legal ideology . During the few decades , the official legal ideology changed from Legalism to Confucianism and the orthodox Feudal legal ideology was gradually formed .

  12. 在中国封建社会后期,正统法律思想实现了从儒学向理学的转变,这一转变有其深厚的社会历史原因,也符合思想史发展的内在逻辑。

    In late Chinese feudal society , the legitimate legal thoughts completed its transform from Confucian studies to natural science , this transform has its profound social and historical reasons , it accords the intrinsic logic of thoughts development .