
  1. 一旦伊朗封锁霍尔木兹海峡(straitofhormuz),美国海军就会迅速采取针对行动,欧洲则会提供一些象征性的支持。

    Any Iranian blockade of the Strait of Hormuz would be swiftly challenged by the US Navy , with some token European support .

  2. 最近几周,坊间一直盛传,一旦欧盟(EU)实行石油禁运,伊朗就会试图封锁霍尔木兹海峡。全球32%的石油出口和28%的液化天然气出口都要经过霍尔木兹海峡。

    In recent weeks there has been intense speculation that in the event of a European Union oil embargo , Iran would try to close the Strait of Hormuz , through which flow 32 per cent of global oil exports and 28 per cent of global liquefied natural gas exports .

  3. 伊朗之前曾威胁要封锁霍尔木兹海峡。

    Iran had previously threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz .

  4. 但我们很难相信伊朗有胆量封锁霍尔木兹海峡。

    But it is hard to believe that Tehran would dare to blockade the strait .

  5. 萨德贾德普尔表示伊朗没有封锁霍尔木兹海峡的舰艇。

    Sadjadpour says Iran doesn ` t have the naval ships needed to blockade the Strait of Hormuz .

  6. 认为伊朗应该不会封锁霍尔木兹海峡的第一个原因很简单,因为这个举动会失败。

    The first reason to believe Iran might stop short of closing the Strait is simply because such a move would fail .

  7. 如果关于伊朗核问题的争议升级,封锁霍尔木兹海峡将是伊朗的一种军事选择。

    Blocking the straits of Hormuz would be one military option for Iran if the dispute over its nuclear programme were to escalate .

  8. 由于欧盟可能全面禁止从伊朗进口石油,伊朗近日威胁将封锁霍尔木兹海峡。

    Iran has threatened to close the Strait in recent days because of the prospect of the EU imposing a total ban on the import of Iranian oil .

  9. 第二个原因是,封锁霍尔木兹海峡这样的严峻威胁,可以说是伊朗用以防止美国或以色列对其核设施发起军事袭击的主要威慑手段。

    The second reason is that a serious threat to close Hormuz is arguably the principal Iranian deterrent against a military attack by the US or Israel on its nuclear facilities .

  10. 封锁霍尔木兹海峡会让亚洲国家的日子尤为难过,因为与欧洲和北美国家相比,这些国家对海湾石油和液化天然气的依赖程度要严重得多。

    A Hormuz shutdown would be particularly difficult for Asian economies , which are far more reliant on Gulf oil and liquefied natural gas than counterparts in Europe and North America .

  11. 如果伊朗封锁霍尔木兹海峡(全球20%的石油供应经此运输),那就属于供应冲击,事情就得另当别论。

    A blockade by Iran of the Strait of Hormuz , through which a fifth of global oil supplies travel , would fit the definition of a supply shock and take all bets off the table .

  12. 最近几天,除了宣扬自己成功试射一枚反舰巡航导弹以外,伊朗政府还警告美国不要将一艘航空母舰派回海湾地区,并扬言要封锁霍尔木兹海峡。

    As well as trumpeting the test-firing of an anti-ship cruise missile , it has in recent days warned the US not to send an aircraft carrier back into the Gulf , and threatened to close the strait of Hormuz .

  13. 伊朗不再威胁封锁霍尔木兹海峡,另一项复杂的谈判过程已经在伊斯坦布尔启动,以期找到一种方法,让以色列和伊朗能够从任何一方都不会获胜的对峙中退出。

    Iran has backed off from its threats to close the Straits of Hormuz and another complex negotiating process has begun in Istanbul to find a way in which Israel and Iran can step back from a confrontation neither could win .

  14. 如果伊朗要封锁霍尔木兹海峡进行报复,这就是对供给损毁相当大的威胁,每天有一千七百万原油通过霍尔木兹海峡,占全球供给的20%多。

    And there is the threat of far bigger supply disruptions if Iran were ever to carry out its threat to close the Strait of Hormuz , through which 17m barrels of oil pass every day , some 20 % of global supply .

  15. 伦敦的阿拉伯和伊朗研究中心的梅尔戴德·洪塞里则认为,伊朗最近威胁要封锁霍尔木兹海峡是企图吓唬西方,以避免受到进一步的经济制裁。

    Mehrdad Khonsari of the Center for Arab and Iranian Studies in London argues that Iran 's recent threats to close the Strait of Hormuz is an attempt to scare the West into avoiding further economic sanctions now being debated in both the U.S. and Europe :