
zǒu láng
  • corridor;hallway;hall;passage;lobby;passageway
走廊 [zǒu láng]
  • [corridor;passage;passageway] 有顶的过道;也比喻连接两个较大地区的狭长地带

  • 河西走廊

走廊[zǒu láng]
  1. 我能听见走廊上啪哒啪哒的脚步声。

    I could hear the pit-a-pat of feet in the corridor .

  2. 走廊两端各有一道门。

    There 's a door at either end of the corridor .

  3. 远处嘎吱嘎吱的声音回响在漆黑的走廊里,怪可怕的。

    Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along the dark corridors .

  4. 他看见她沿着走廊向他疾步走来。

    He spotted her steaming down the corridor towards him .

  5. 我发现他在走廊里焦虑不安地走来走去。

    I found him in the corridor nervously pacing up and down .

  6. 一条阴暗狭窄的走廊通向大厅。

    A dark narrow passage led to the main hall .

  7. 我沿着走廊直奔斯科特的办公室。

    I headed for Scott 's office down the hall .

  8. 沿着走廊你就可以找到他的办公室。

    You 'll find his office just along the corridor .

  9. 金熟悉这栋建筑物的布局,大步流星地走在走廊上。

    Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor .

  10. 他迈着缓慢而匀称的脚步沿着走廊走去。

    He walked down the corridor with measured steps .

  11. 夜里在走廊上遇见陌生男人使她感到很不好意思。

    It embarrassed her to meet strange men in the corridor at night .

  12. 我听到她步履轻盈地在走廊上走过。

    I heard her feet pattering along the corridor .

  13. 他的房间就在走廊边。

    His room is along the corridor .

  14. 她跑出来,冲进走廊。

    She ran out into the corridor .

  15. 安妮离开阿蒂,沿着走廊朝休息室走去。

    Anne left Artie and walked down the corridor towards the foyer

  16. 他因为在走廊里讲话受到了一位老师的斥责。

    He was reprimanded by a teacher for talking in the corridor

  17. 从走廊里隐约传来了低沉的说话声。

    There were low , muffled voices rising from the hallway .

  18. 他在走廊里轻轻地走过时,我常常碰见他。

    I often bumped into him as he padded the corridors .

  19. 他就站在门外狭窄的走廊里。

    He stood in the narrow hallway just outside the door .

  20. 我在走廊里意外碰见了默文·约翰斯。

    I happened to bump into Mervyn Johns in the hallway .

  21. 在这条狭窄的走廊上,不断有人撞到我。

    Various men kept banging into me in the narrow corridor .

  22. 这个小房间在沿着走廊再下几级台阶的地方。

    This little room was along a passage and down some steps

  23. 十来只狗的叫声在走廊里回响。

    The corridor echoed with the barking of a dozen dogs .

  24. 他来到一扇门前,这扇门通往一条走廊。

    He came to a door that led into a passageway .

  25. 他将老妇人推到她家走廊上,并对她一顿暴打。

    He bundled the old lady into her hallway and brutally attacked her

  26. 几分钟之后他在走廊里意外碰到了克雷特纳。

    He ran into Krettner in the corridor a few minutes later .

  27. 我能听到有人在外面走廊里走动。

    Outside , in the passageway , I could hear people moving about

  28. 她爬上楼梯,顺着楼上的走廊走去。

    She climbed the steps and proceeded along the upstairs hallway

  29. 走廊里的煤气灯应该是开着的,调得比较暗。

    The gaslights in the passage would be on , turned low .

  30. 一位老先生拖着步子从走廊更远处的一个门口走了出来。

    An old man shuffled out of a doorway further along the corridor