首页 / 词典 / good

  • go;walk;move;run;play;foot;leg;go through;tread
  • 行:~路。~步。

  • 往来:~亲戚。

  • 移动:~向(延伸的方向)。~笔(很快地写)。钟表不~了。

  • 往来运送:~信。~私。

  • 离去:~开。刚~。出~。

  • 经过:~账。~内线。~后门。

  • 透漏出去,超越范围:~气(漏气)。

  • 失去原样:~形。~样。

  • 古代指奔跑:~马。不胫而~。

  • 仆人,“我”的谦辞:牛马~(当牛作马的仆人,如“太史公~~~。”)。


(人或鸟兽的脚交互向前移动) walk; go:

  • 行走


  • 走自己的路

    go one's own way; take one's own road;

  • 走遍天下

    travel all over the world;

  • 一直往前走

    go straight ahead;

  • 走前人没有走过的道路

    break new paths; take paths never trodden before;

  • 走弯路

    take a roundabout route; make a detour;

  • 走一步看一步

    take one step and look around before taking another -- proceed without a plan, or with caution;

  • 从胜利走向胜利

    march from victory to victory;

  • 你是走回来的吗?

    Did you walk back?

  • 请这边走。

    Step this way, please.


(跑) run:

  • 奔走

    run; rush about; run errands; be busy running about;

  • 打得赢就打, 打不赢就走。

    Fight when you can win, move away when you can't.


(移动; 挪动) move:

  • 走一步棋

    move a piece; move along;

  • 钟不走了。

    The clock has stopped.


(离开; 去) leave; depart; go away:

  • 他走了。

    He has left.

  • 别走哇。

    Don't go away!

  • 把他带走。

    Get him away.; Clear him off.


(来往) visit; call on:

  • 走亲戚

    call on relatives;

  • 走娘家

    (of a married woman) visit her parents' home;

  • 常去朋友那儿走走

    visit one's friends at times;

  • 他们两家走得很近。

    The two families often visit each other.


(通过; 由) pass through; get past:

  • 走过地道

    pass through a tunnel;

  • 走大路进城

    go to town along the main road


(漏出; 泄漏) leak; let out; reveal:

  • 走风

    let out a secret; leak out;

  • 煤气管道走气了。

    The gas is leaking from the pipe.


(改变或失去原样) depart from the original; change or lose the original shape, flavour, colour, etc.:

  • 唱走板了

    sing out of tune;

  • 讲走题了

    speak beside the point; explain away from the point;

  • 茶叶走味了。

    The tea has lost its flavour.

  • 把鞋穿走形了。

    The shoes were worn out of shape.

  1. 她再也走不动了。

    She didn 't have the strength to walk any further .

  2. 居民得走一英里路去取水。

    The inhabitants have to walk a mile to fetch water .

  3. 要不是这车结实,根本走不完这段路程。

    A less rugged vehicle would never have made the trip .

  4. 门开着,她一时心血来潮就走了进去。

    The door was open and on impulse she went inside .

  5. 他们惊奇地发现他已经走了。

    They were surprised to find that he 'd already left .

  6. 学生们走上街头,抗议这项决定。

    Students took to the streets to protest against the decision .

  7. 他把两手揣在口袋里溜达着走了。

    He stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled off .

  8. 她径直走到门前大声敲门。

    She went straight up to the door and knocked loudly .

  9. 她沿路慢慢地走着,显然很痛苦。

    She walked slowly down the road , evidently in pain .

  10. 他摸黑走上楼梯。

    He groped his way up the staircase in the dark .

  11. 他赶上她,跟着她的步子往前走。

    He caught her up and fell into step beside her .

  12. 你不是想走吧?

    You 're surely not thinking of going , are you ?

  13. 听说你要走了,我们十分难过。

    We are very sad to hear that you are leaving .

  14. 我们下了公路,穿过旷野往前走。

    We left the road and struck off across the fields .

  15. “他已经走了。”她告诉我们说。

    ' He 's already left , ' she informed us .

  16. 他手挽着一个高个子金发女郎走了进来。

    He walked in with a tall blonde on his arm .

  17. 他把一枚硬币塞进她手里,然后继续向前走。

    He pressed a coin into her hand and moved on .

  18. 她把书胡乱塞进包里就急急忙忙走了。

    She shoved the book into her bag and hurried off .

  19. 自第一个孩子出生后他们的婚姻便开始走下坡路了。

    Their marriage went downhill after the first child was born .

  20. 教会日益和反对政权的势力走到一起。

    The Church became increasingly identified with opposition to the regime .

  21. 走到车那里一定足足有100米呀!

    It must be all of 100 metres to the car !

  22. 无论王室夫妇走到何处,他们的身后都会跟着一大群媒体记者。

    A media circus surrounded the royal couple wherever they went .

  23. 时间过得真快!现在我得走了。

    How time flies ! I 've got to go now .

  24. 你不必现在就走吧?

    You don 't need to leave yet , do you ?

  25. 学生走上街头抗议这项决定。

    Students took to the streets to protest against the decision .

  26. 他们沿着那条河走了三英里。

    They followed the line of the river for three miles .

  27. 她拔掉塞子,让水流走了。

    She pulled out the plug and the water drained away .

  28. 他走到我跟前来借火。

    He came up to me and asked for a light .

  29. 快点,伙计们,咱们走吧!

    Come on , you guys , let 's get going !

  30. 一群客人朝那房子走去。

    A troop of guests was moving towards the house .