
zǒu xià pō lù
  • be on the decline;go downhill;go from bad to worse;take a bad turn
走下坡路[zǒu xià pō lù]
  1. 从早晨在大礼堂吃早饭起,境况就开始走下坡路了。

    Things started to go downhill from breakfast in the Great Hall .

  2. 一位长期在温州市中心附近一家网吧工作的员工表示,他们网吧和同区其他网吧的生意一年前开始走下坡路。

    It was a year ago , says a long-time staff member at a caf é near the centre of the city of Wenzhou , that business started to go downhill for them and the other caf é s in their district .

  3. 自第一个孩子出生后他们的婚姻便开始走下坡路了。

    Their marriage went downhill after the first child was born .

  4. 英国工业自20世纪70年代以来一直在走下坡路。

    Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s .

  5. 我的事业似乎在走下坡路。

    My career seemed to be on a downward trajectory .

  6. 他在事业上正走下坡路。

    He is on a career downswing .

  7. 电影业从那时就开始完全走下坡路了。

    For the movie business , it was all downhill from there

  8. 他成年后的生活反映出了他父亲的生活在走下坡路。

    His adult life mirrored the downward course of his father 's life .

  9. 1982年,他的事业走下坡路时,以5,000英镑的价钱卖了个剧本。

    In 1982 , with his career prospects on the wane , he sold a script for £ 5,000 .

  10. 关税数字表明英国的贸易一直在走下坡路。

    The customs figures show a steady decline in British trade .

  11. 清朝自乾隆以后就开始走下坡路。

    After the reign of emperor qianlong , the power of the Qing Dynasty began to decline .

  12. 我曾有许多男性朋友,但现在已寥寥无几了,我开始走下坡路了。

    I used to have many men friends but there are fewer now that I 'm past my bloom .

  13. 这种根深蒂固的歧视说明,跟职场女性相比,全职妈妈不太受尊重,并且被视作无趣人群,人们认为全职妈妈选择待在家里就意味着她们无论在社交方面还是在学术方面都开始走下坡路。

    This entrenched2 lack of respect can mean that relative to their professional counterparts , full-time mums are held in lower esteem3 and regarded as less interesting individuals who 've taken a downwards4 step both socially and intellectually because they 've elected to stay at home .

  14. 百思买(BestBuy)正在走下坡路。

    Best buy is in a downward spiral .

  15. IBM就是这样走下坡路的

    that 's ultimately the downfall of IBM .

  16. 公司股价在下跌,整个行业都在走下坡路,79岁的米切尔被诊断出癌症,他的妻子则患有早期阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer'SDisease)。

    His stock price was falling , the industry was on its back , the 79-year-old had been diagnosed with cancer and his wife was in the early stages of Alzheimer 's disease .

  17. 最近,爱情得意的LadyGaga事业却起色不大。阿肯声称他的唱片公司已经减少了与LadyGaga有关的活动,因为她的事业已经开始走下坡路了。

    Recently , Akon claimed his record label cut ties with Gaga because her career is on the decline .

  18. 微软、甲骨文和SAP等公司开发的那种授权式的商业软件就算还没有完全过时,至少已经开始走下坡路。

    Going - if not quite gone - are the clunky , licensed business products once churned out by the likes of Microsoft , Oracle and SAP .

  19. 问“谁在走下坡路”忽略了一个更广泛的事实。这个事实涉及当前亚马逊、苹果、Facebook、谷歌和微软对科技领域方方面面的全面控制。

    Asking " who 's losing ? " misses a larger truth about how thoroughly Amazon , Apple , Facebook , Google and Microsoft now lord over all that happens in tech.

  20. 那么,这五家公司中谁在走下坡路呢?一年前,当谷歌的广告业务似乎更容易受到Facebook崛起的影响时,该公司似乎处境艰难。

    So which of these five is losing ? A year ago , it was Google that looked to be in a tough spot as its ad business appeared more vulnerable to Facebook 's rise .

  21. 但是,作为一家数据库管理软件的开发商,Sybase还面临着更深层次的战略挑战,因为这个行业在走下坡路,而且逐渐成为了甲骨文(Oracle)的天下。

    But Sybase also had deeper strategic challenges as a maker of database-management software , an industry in a slump and one increasingly dominated by Oracle ( orcl ) .

  22. 智库机构世界大型企业联合会(ConferenceBoard)的新数据显示,由于美国、日本和欧洲的表现日益走下坡路,成熟经济体的平均劳动生产率增速由2013年的0.8%降至2014年的0.6%。

    New data from the Conference Board think-tank show that average labour productivity growth in mature economies slowed to 0.6 per cent in 2014 from 0.8 per cent in 2013 , as a result of ebbing performances in the US , Japan and Europe .

  23. 但读者和广告客户从老式媒体向新式媒体的转移,却是一个零和游戏:当报纸和传统广播电台走下坡路时,博客(blogs)和播客(podcasts)获得了增长。

    But the move of readers and advertisers from old media to new is a zero sum game : as newspapers and traditional radio stations decline , blogs and podcasts gain .

  24. “虽然全世界的房地产市场都已经触顶,或正在走下坡路,房地产链的最高端却是另一番景象,”房地产中介knightfrank的住宅研究负责人利亚姆贝利(liambailey)说道。

    " Although markets around the world have peaked or are declining , the very top end of the range of properties has held its own , " says Liam Bailey , head of residential research for estate agency Knight Frank .

  25. 很显然,在3DO的末期,这套系列产品就开始走下坡路了,虽然这套产品中的RPG作品和其他周边作品失败在不同的方面。

    It was quite obvious Might & Magic had been sliding downhill in3DO ′ s final years , although the classic RPG series and its spin-off had suffered in different ways .

  26. 20世纪60年代后,很快Belafonte的事业开始走下坡路。但这丝毫不令人感到意外:守城永远没有攻城有意思。

    After the 1960s , " My Song " goes downhill quickly , but that is hardly a surprise : maintaining fame is never as interesting as achieving it .

  27. 我认为整个冬天生意一直在走下坡路。

    I think the business has been going down all winter .

  28. 可我觉得现在是在走下坡路。

    And I feel like I 'm taking a step back .

  29. 于是,从那以后我们就开始走下坡路了。

    So , it 's pretty much downhill from then on .

  30. 英国的制造业多年来一直在走下坡路。

    Eg. British manufacturing industry has been running down for years .