
  • 网络eder;edel;david ader
  1. 与此同时,欧洲钢铁工业协会已致信欧盟委员会(EC),要求对大型铁矿石供应商可能的反竞争行为展开调查。有些时候,大型矿商的定价非常相似,这让我们感到奇怪,埃德尔表示。

    In the meantime , Eurofer has written to the European Commission demanding an investigation into possible anti-competitive practices by large iron ore suppliers . We are sometimes a bit surprised at how similar the pricing of the big miners is , Mr Eder said .

  2. 2016年欧洲杯总决赛上,葡萄牙队击败了东道主法国,扳回了之前队长罗纳尔多输掉的比分,这是葡萄牙队首次在大型比赛中获胜,多亏了替补队员埃德尔在加时赛中的出色表现。

    Portugal overcame the early loss of captain Cristiano Ronaldo to beat hosts France in the Euro 2016 final and win their first major tournament thanks to substitute Eder 's superb extra-time strike .

  3. (但是)从中长期来看,我有些怀疑,埃德尔表示。他是业内备受尊重的人物,也是欧洲钢铁工业协会(Eurofer)总裁。

    [ But ] in the medium and long run I have some doubts , the well-respected industry figure and president of Eurofer , the European steelmaking association , said .

  4. 埃德尔还与在任总统乔治布什会面。

    Adair also met with then-President George H.W.Bush .

  5. 两周之内,埃德尔收到了他需要的用来完成工作的设备。

    Within weeks , Adair had the equipment he needed to complete the job .

  6. 在影片拍摄过程中,埃德尔作为韦恩的顾问。

    Adair served as an advisor to Wayne while the film was being made .

  7. 今天我们介绍瑞德。埃德尔。

    Today we tell about Red Adair .

  8. 在他36年的从商过程中,瑞德。埃德尔和他的同事在全世界扑灭的大火超过2000场。

    During his thirty-six years in business , Red Adair and his crews battled more than two thousand fires all over the world .

  9. 拉斐尔·格雷罗在第108分钟的任意球踢到了球门框上,但是不久之后葡萄牙队便因埃德尔的一记越过守门员雨果·洛里斯的防守的低球而领先。

    Raphael Guerreiro hit the bar with a free-kick for Portugal after 108 minutes , but seconds later they were ahead when Ederfired a low drive past keeper Hugo Lloris .