
  • 网络ESPINOSA;espinoza;Patricia Espinosa
  1. 37岁的埃斯皮诺萨还写了一个西班牙语的电视剧,TheRedBandSociety,基于他的医院经历。

    Espinosa , 37 , also wrote a Spanish television series , The Red Band Society , based on his hospital experiences .

  2. 墨西哥外长埃斯皮诺萨(PatriciaEspinosa)表示,墨西哥将采取一切措施保卫亚利桑那州墨西哥人的权利和尊严。

    The Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa said Mexico would do everything it could to defend the rights and the dignity of Mexicans in Arizona .

  3. 14岁时,阿尔伯特.埃斯皮诺萨是一个痴迷足球的典型少年。

    At 14 Albert Espinosa was a typical football obsessed teenager .

  4. 接下来的十年埃斯皮诺萨忍受着痛苦的化疗,他的腿被截肢,失去了肺,部分肝脏被切除。

    For the next decade Espinosa endured gruelling chemotherapy , had his leg amputated , lost a lung and had part of his liver removed .

  5. 克林顿是在此间与墨西哥外长埃斯皮诺萨举行的一次新闻发布会上发表这一评论的,这是迄今为止奥巴马政府对这一问题发表的最详细的评论。

    Clinton 's remarks , at a news conference here with Mexican Foreign Secretary Patricia Espinosa , were the most explicit on the subject to date by the Obama administration .

  6. 两年前,在中国教练指导下,墨西哥跳水公主埃斯皮诺萨和队友们包揽了2011年泛美运动会跳水项目全部8块金牌。墨西哥朋友们尝到了包揽金牌的滋味。

    Two years ago , our Mexican friends had a taste of such success . With the help of Chinese coaches , Paola Espinosa , known as princess of diving in Mexico , and her teammates swept all titles in the eight diving events of the 2011 Pan American Games .