
  1. 但在六个月的加速试验中,包封率则下降,渗漏率增加。

    But after testing for 6 months with higher temperature , the seal rate was reduced , and the seepage rate was increased .

  2. 结果发现阿霉素磁性毫微粒载药量随着阿霉素投入量的增加先是增加而后变化不大,而包封率则逐渐下降;

    The results are that , with the doxorubicin dosage increasing , the doxorubicin loading is increasing while the drug encapsulation efficiency is decreasing .

  3. 另一封邮件则提出建议,想让每个大学生都参加实习、上一门商科课程,并从大一开始就获得职业方面的咨询。

    another about a proposal to make every college student do an internship , take a class in business and get career counseling starting freshman year .

  4. 第二封书信,则是直接警告教会要防备假教师。

    In the second letter Peter bluntly warned the churches against false teachers .

  5. 例如,如果在08:00删除了一封邮件,则该邮件在48小时内不会成为硬删除的候选项。

    For example , if you delete a message at08:00 , the message does not become a candidate for hard deletion for48 hours .

  6. 如果项目是一封邮件,则在由于不活动而造成会话超时、而邮件撰写格式处于打开状态时,将邮件自动保存在草稿文件夹中。

    If the entry is a message , the message is automatically saved in the Drafts folder if the session times out because of inactivity while the message compose form is open .

  7. 听起来并不算多,也就是每天4分钟而已,但如果你每周工作时间删除350封邮件,则需要花费20分钟,全年累加起来超过16个小时。

    That doesn 't sound like much -- about 4 minutes per day -- but if you 're deleting 350 emails per workweek , that takes around 20 minutes per week , which adds up to more than 16 hours per year .