
  • 网络High Lake
  1. 在福州曾先后成功独立开发了明月花园、高湖花园、福清玫瑰园等商业项目和高档住宅项目。

    Especially in Fuzhou it has been successfully completed some outdoor landscape projects , such as Bright Moon Garden , High Lake Garden , Rose Garden and other commercial landscape projects and residential project .

  2. 未来湖泊的管理可能包括(视系统的可行性)较低的湖水位及助于形成高浊度湖淤泥沉积物质(USACE,1999)。

    Future management of the lake may include ( depending on feasibility ) both a lower average lake stage and removal of mud sediment materials that contribute to the high turbidity ( USACE , 1999 ) .

  3. 高塘湖沉积物中重金属赋存状态研究

    Study on the Occurrence State of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Gaotang Lake

  4. 每个层序又包括高水位、湖侵和低水位三个体系域。

    Every sequence was comprised by lowstand , transgressive and highstand systen tracts .

  5. 高佬看着湖的景色发了呆,站在那里过了很久。

    The high guy lookinged at the landscape of the lake to deliver foolish , stood to lead there for a long time .

  6. 而在世博期间需求量很高,独墅湖希望作为苏州顶级会务酒店可以为上海的大型团队提供轻松、从容的办公、休闲环境。

    Since the need for meetings during the Expo will be high , Dushu Lake Hotel could provide a relaxing and leisure business environment for corporations in Shanghai .

  7. 流域地形决定了滇池是全流域水流及其承载的各种污染物的最终受纳水体。流域水系特征加之水资源的匮乏造成了高污染水入湖。

    The basin terrain leads to the Dianchi lake being the receiving water body of the whole basin water containing the pollutants , which leads to serious polluted water into the lake .

  8. 结果:乌拉尔山附近阻塞高亚、巴湖低压这种稳定少动的超长波系统与副高偏强的配置,是形成陕西省2003年主汛期多雨的关键性因素。

    Result it is the determinant cause leading abnormal climate of Shaanxi during Main-flood Season that Blocked High near Ural Mountain and Balkhash Low are stable in motion and subtropical high is strong .