
shén wǔ
  • epithet of a great conquering general
神武 [shén wǔ]
  • [epithet of a great conquering general] 神明而威武

  • 将军乃神武雄才

神武[shén wǔ]
  1. 小岛:是的。我们将会朝著那神武打什么掉弱点个世界来制作,除了XXXXXXX。

    Kojima : Yes . We 'll be doing stuff that one would expect of XXXXXXX .

  2. 埃里克是格鲁吉亚最英明神武的人

    Erik is the best and brightest of Georgia ,

  3. 故宫神武门动力特性及地震反应研究

    Study on Dynamical Character and Seismic Response of Shen-Wu Gate in the Forbidden City

  4. 问一个印度人什是神,他会向你描述一位显赫部落的神武酋长。

    Ask the Indian of God , and he will describe to you a powerful chieftain of a glorious tribe .

  5. 神武坎制造了精美的刀剑,每一把都拥有特殊的无法阻挡的力量,并且能在未曾猜想到的世界里释放它们。

    The god Vulcan crafts magical blades , each with a specific unstoppable power , and unleashes them upon an unsuspecting world .

  6. 嚣张的我,不是在凭空吹气,这是我的祖先赐予我的灵气,祖先的神武给了我很大的底气。

    I arrogance is not blowing in the abstract , it is my ancestors gave me the spirituality , ancestors and brilliant to me much confidence .

  7. 由于他的英明神武,后羿得到了长生不老的丹药,这些丹药足够他和他深爱的妻子嫦娥两个人服用。

    For his great common sense , he was rewarded with an elixir for immortality enough for him and his wife , whom he loved dearly .

  8. 根据日本神话,西元前660年神武天皇即位,其后他的直系子孙代代继任,现在的天皇是第125代。

    According to Japanese myths , Emperor Jimmu was enthroned in660 B.C. , and from him , the current Emperor descended , becoming the125th ruler of Japan .

  9. 然而,最近却有研究发现,原来动物园也可以感知到其他神武的痛苦,甚至是能通过它们的视角看待世界。

    However , recent studies suggest animals may also be able to feel another creature 's suffering , or even see the world through another animal 's eyes .

  10. 墙四面各设城门一座,其中南面的午门和北面的神武门现专供参观者游览出入。

    Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate , the Meridian Gate on the south and the Gate of Spiritual Valour on the north being used as the entrance and exit by tourists today .

  11. 每一面城墙都有一个城门:南面是午门,北面是神武门,西面是西华门,东面是东华门。

    The wall has a gate on each side : the Meridian Gate to the south , the Shenwu Gate to the north , the Xihua Gate to the west , and the Donghua Gate to the east .

  12. 第一次系统地记载了大体上至唐代末年的日本天皇的系谱,文中提到了神武立,更以‘天皇’为号。神武天皇是传说中日本第一代天皇。

    The first systematic record of the genealogy in general to the Tang Dynasty , Emperor of Japan , mentioned in the text already been taken to establish the switch to the emperor No. The reading of God is the first generation of the Emperor in the legendary Japanese .