
shén sù
  • marvellously quick;with amazing speed
神速 [shén sù]
  • [marvellously quick] 出奇的速度

  • 收效神速

  • 几千年来披枷带锁的土地,一旦回到人民手里,变化是多么神速呵!--《土地》

神速[shén sù]
  1. 我军行动神速,致使敌军措手不及,狼狈周章。

    Our lightning speed knocked the enemy completely off balance and struck fear into its heart .

  2. 他的进步可谓神速。

    We may well say that he 's made quick progress .

  3. 作为一家进步神速的私营企业,GrupoM赢得了自己的声誉。

    Grupo M has earned a reputation as a remarkable progressive company .

  4. 数码摄像机在技术上时刻推陈出新,采用MiniDV带的数码摄像机才刚刚迎来快速发展,DVD数码摄像机却已经神速的出现在了人们面前,本文扼要对此逐一介绍。

    Nowadays the technology of digital imaging is advancing ceaselessly : digital video cameras using Mini DV tape have just been emerged in the market whereas new DVD video cameras are already presented in the show window .

  5. 这位领导人神速而出人意料地登上了权力的高峰。

    The leader 's ascent to power was rapid and unexpected .

  6. 他们神速地把车里的东西扔进货车里。

    They started throwing stuff into the van in a major hurry .

  7. 你已经写完作文了吧?你是很神速的。

    Have you finished your composition already ? You 're very speedy .

  8. 这药封痛风患者的止痛效果神速。

    This drug gives rapid relief to sufferers from gout .

  9. 欧亚国的一支军队南进神速。

    A Eurasian army was moving southward at terrifying speed .

  10. 伴随信息化时代的到来,高校网络建设可谓发展神速。

    Entering the informationization era , the campus network construction has developed rapidly .

  11. 律师称之为“神速办案。”

    Attorneys call this the " rocket docket . "

  12. 谷歌和亚马逊已经开始用无人机送货,反应神速。

    Google and Amazon were quick to put drones to use delivering orders .

  13. 万金油治疗头痛,不仅疗效神速,而且价格便宜。

    Treating headache with essential balm has a marvelously quick result at a low price .

  14. 不仅紧急服务表现出色,清理工作也进展神速。

    Not only have the emergency services performed heroics , the clean-up has proceeded apace .

  15. 她一年内已写完2部小说,进展真神速!

    She has finished writing two novels in one year ; that 's going some !

  16. 这两个消息都有猜测的性质&但它们表明,这项技术的发展是何等神速。

    Both of these are guesses & but they indicate how fast the technology is progressing .

  17. 但进步也是神速的。

    But progress has been swift .

  18. 在众多的对华投资国家中,韩国与中国的经贸关系进展神速。

    However , the economic relations between China and Korea have developed at an astonishing speed .

  19. 于是我进步神速。

    So I made rapid progress .

  20. 这两个消息都有猜测的性质——但它们表明,这项技术的发展是何等神速。

    Both of these are guesses -- but they indicate how fast the technology is progressing .

  21. 日本队是难以对付的强手,他们在比赛一开始进展神速。

    The Japanese file formidable opponents and they got off to a flying start in the match .

  22. 当今计算机网络发展神速,而网络的安全性却得不到保障。

    Today computer network is developing at an amazing speed whereas its safety is hard to be guarded .

  23. 我知道她进步神速,所以我对她在比赛中的表现一点也不吃惊。

    I knew that she was making fast progress , so I wasn 't surprised by her game .

  24. 发展神速的交通事业

    Fast development of Communications

  25. 当今科技日新月异,尤其以计算机科学的发展之神速更是令人目不暇接,这无疑给高校计算机基础课的教学带来了更为严峻的挑战。

    Technology changes quickly , especially the computer science , which brings great challenge to college basic computer course .

  26. 本赛季拉斐尔进步神速,内维尔觉得曼联防线稳定。

    Such has been Rafael 's progress this season , Neville feels the Reds have a stable back four .

  27. 盟军进展神速,德军来不及破坏安特卫普的港口设施。

    So swift was the advance that the Germans did not have time to destroy the harbor facilities at Antwerp .

  28. 因此,我至少不是故意要显得那么神速,想要在小姐们面前炫耀自己。

    At least , therefore , I did not assume the character of needless precipitance merely to shew off before the ladies .

  29. 一个月过去了,或者说好像觉得一个月过去了,乔纳森进步神速。

    A month went by , or something that felt about like a month , and Jonathan learned at a tremendous rate .

  30. 此外,目前许多领域都进步神速,教科书根本不可能跟得上,而科技让学生能够跟得上最新的发展。

    Furthermore , advances in many fields are being made so fast these days that it is impossible four textbooks to keep up .