
shén tōng
  • magical power;supernatural power;remarkable ability
神通 [shén tōng]
  • [magical power] 佛教指神佛具有的神奇能力,今指出奇的手段或本领

  • 大显神通

  • 老栓倒觉得爽快,仿佛一旦变了少年,得了神通,有给人生命的本领似的。-- 鲁迅《药》

神通[shén tōng]
  1. 你们听说什么人有神通,那个人是最无聊的!

    Whoever you hear is using magical power , that person is being most senseless !

  2. 即使有神通,也不能用,为什么呢?

    Even if you have magical power , you must not use it . why ?

  3. 他们大搞技术革新,真是八仙过海,各显神通。

    They have made great efforts in technical innovation and every one of them has shown his own art and skill just like the eight immortals soaring over the ocean .

  4. 红萝卜,显神通,降压降脂有奇功。

    Carrots have magic power on lowering blood pressure and blood fat .

  5. 没有统一计划,你们就八仙过海,各显神通吧。

    There 's no unified plan , so you 'll all be on your own to prove your worth .

  6. 在她前任的神通死亡之后,神通Yangchen出生在西气和寺。

    Avatar Yangchen of the Air Nomads is born in the Western Air Temple , after the death of her predecessor .

  7. 本文论述中文dBASEⅡ人事档案管理通用系统在APPLE-Ⅱ及兼容机(如ACC-8000,小神通等具有Z-80CPU的微型计算机)上的实现。

    This paper discusses an universal personal matters file management system in Chinese dBASE ⅱ which can be implemented on APPLE ⅱ and its compatible 8-bit microcomputers such as Acc-8000 , LITTLE INTELLIGENT COMPUTER , etc.

  8. 除了《克隆人战争》,贝克还在诸如《美国老爹》,《降世神通:最后的气宗》,以及《Ben10:外星战士》这样的热播剧中为几百个角色和生物配过音。

    In addition to The Clone Wars , Baker has voiced hundreds of characters and creatures in such hit shows as American Dad , Avatar : The Last Airbender and Ben10 : Alien Force , just to name a few .

  9. 分散竞争阶段,报纸定位显神通;

    And the second stage is the competition of newspaper groups .

  10. 这个大喜的信息,就是神通过耶稣基督为人预备了拯救。

    That good news is god 's salvation in Jesus christ .

  11. 只有掌握所有四种元素技能的神通才能阻止战争,当世界最需要他时,他却消失了。

    When the world need him most , he vanished .

  12. 佛法中的感应法门,是修定所得的神通;

    The extraordinary powers in Buddhism are obtained via samadhi .

  13. 这几名厨师各显神通,亮出了他们的拿手好菜。

    Each chef shows his own prowess , and makes his special dishes .

  14. 神通胶囊治疗脑血管性痴呆30例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 30 Cases of Cerebrovascular Dementia Treated with Shen Tong Capsule

  15. 小商品,大市场,区域经济各显神通。

    Large market with small commodity is the blue-chip feature of its regional economy .

  16. 指望雅利神什神通奇迹,者配活。

    Aryan gods were not expected to work miracles or control men 's lives .

  17. 在这种双重压力之下,企业家们如同八仙过海,各显神通,纷纷祭出各种方法加以应对。

    Under two these pressure , entrepreneurs figure out various ways to cope it .

  18. 将六大神通的概念转化成独特的禅系统,创新玩法,趣味十足!

    Unique Zen system : it contains six different interesting new ways of playing .

  19. 你不能运用神通并且认为正是你很了不起。

    You can 't use the mind think you 're the one who is powerful .

  20. 应受教育:攻读神经科学或计算机科学&能集两个专业于一身,将变得神通。

    Education : Neuroscience or computer science & they should converge before we go bionic .

  21. 蒂帕嬷的这方面的神通曾由第三方测试过。

    Dipa Ma 's abbilities in this regard were once tested by a third party .

  22. 那无所不在的神通,就是我们的神圣的平等!

    His omnipresence , our divine equality !

  23. 博客们各显神通:有的写散文,有的写诗,也有的写小说。

    Bloggers display their respective abilities : some write essays , others write poems or stories .

  24. 降世神通-最后的气宗。

    Avatar-the last air bender !

  25. 首先,通过列表的方式,将神通寺内主要的两处造像,尽可能详尽地描述出来。

    Firstly , through listing , describe two places of the sculptures in the temple with detail .

  26. 师父听了之后,笑着指着几个透明罐子告诉我们,那就是她的神通。

    Master laughed and pointed at several transparent mugs which , she said , were her miraculous power .

  27. 每年圣诞节期间,商家们各显神通来招揽生意。

    During the season of Christmas each year , traders use their tricks to drum up their business .

  28. 本系列的故事仍然发生在神通的世界中,只不过地点会有所不同。

    The series will be set in the same world as the original series , but in all-new locations .

  29. 归纳神通描写的用语特点,即神奇性、夸张性、谐趣性。

    Summarized the characteristics of supernatural powers , describing the terms , ie , magic , exaggerated , humorous .

  30. 每家管理机构各显神通,有的从企业那里获得的赞助较多,超过私人支持者的捐赠。

    Every governing body differs , and some might earn more money from corporate sponsors compared to private donors .