
fēnɡ bì shì guǎn lǐ
  • close management
  1. 武夷山封闭式管理引发了利益相关者的利益重构问题。

    The close management in Mount Wuyi has caused stakeholder problems .

  2. 住院精神分裂症患者开放与封闭式管理认知功能的对照研究

    A controlled study of the Efficacy of open management and close management on cognitive function of inpatient of chronic schizophrenia

  3. Jia的亲戚,一个姓郑的中年妇女这样告诉我们。“封闭式管理”看起来就是这样的:所有街道和通向村庄的小路都加上了大门。

    " Sealed management " looks like this : Gates are placed at the street and alley entrances to the villages , which are collections of walled compounds sprinkled with shops and outdoor vendors .

  4. “封闭式管理”出自2008年奥运会时的Laosanyu村庄,当时政府渴望控制他们的流动人员。

    " Sealed management " was born in the village of Laosanyu during the Beijing Olympics in2008 , when the government was eager to control its migrant population .

  5. 精神科病房封闭式管理的人文缺陷及对策

    Absence of Humanities in the Closed Management of Psychiatric Ward and Countermeasures

  6. 农村社区的封闭式管理模式;

    Close - ended management mode for village community .

  7. 如何搞好新形势下消防部队的封闭式管理工作

    How to conduct the restrained management of fire forces in the present situation

  8. 正确处理五个关系深化后勤部队封闭式管理

    On deepening closed management of logistic troops

  9. 区内各类配套设施齐全,政策优惠,实行封闭式管理。

    The park has complete matching facilities and preferential policies , and is managed by enclosed type .

  10. “纵观中国历史,封闭式管理是一种高效易行的控制居民的手段。”黄教授说。

    Gating has been an easy and effective way to control population throughout Chinese history , said Huang , the geography professor .

  11. 校长助理李振华说,这种“封闭式管理”能起到效果。

    This " closed management practice , " as an assistant principal , Li Zhenhua , has termed it , gets results .

  12. 许多企业的管理模式也从分散式管理转向集中式管理,从封闭式管理转向开放式管理。

    At the same time , the administration mode of many corporations have transformed from dispersive to centralized mode , from closed to open mode .

  13. 封闭式管理下的中等职业学校学生在心理素质、社会交往能力、动手能力和创新能力等方面在封闭的状态下发展是畸形发展。

    Secondary vocational school students may suffer deformed development in mental quality , sociability , practical ability , and innovative ability in a closed state .

  14. 海关在交易所设立机构,并依法行使职权,对该区域实行封闭式管理。

    The customs shall establish a customs office in the SDE , which shall adopt closed management for this area by exercising functions in accordance with the law .

  15. 高校图书馆应树立服务于社会的理念,改变封闭式管理与服务的模式,将服务的领域向社区延伸。

    College and university libraries should foster the idea of serving the society and change their closed management and service modes in order to extend their service to communities .

  16. 目的:观察新型开放式管理精神病医院中精神分裂症住院患者的生活质量,并与传统封闭式管理精神病医院中精神分裂症住院患者进行比较。

    AIM : To investigate the quality of life of the schizophrenic patients in mental hospital with new open management model , and compare it with the traditional closed model .

  17. 尽管部队采取了封闭式管理,但随着通信、交通的日益发达,官兵的交往外延也随之延展。

    Although the force has adopted a closed-form management , with increasingly developing in respect of communications and transport , the soldiers ' association has also extended through various channels .

  18. 自从联合国教科文组织人与生物圈计划提出生物圈保护区的概念以来,打破了长期以来对自然保护区的封闭式管理。

    Since the concept of biosphere reserve has been proposed by the Man and the Biosphere ( MAB ) programme of UNESCO , the closed management of nature reserves has been broken .

  19. 国家教育部出台文件不再禁止大学生校外租房,这预示着我国大学生住宿管理模式从过去传统的封闭式管理开始向开放式管理过渡。

    The document released by National Educational Ministry that college students will no longer be forbidden to rent an apartment outside campus indicates living administration pattern of college students will switch from former traditional closed-model to open-model .

  20. ⑵为了实现医院档案管理部门由传统的半封闭式管理模式向现代的开放式管理服务模式的转变,使档案工作更好地为院务公开工作服务。

    ⑵ It aims to transform a traditional half-closed management model into a modern open management and service model of hospital archival management departments . It would be better for archival work to serve for the public .

  21. ⑵医院档案管理部门实现了由传统的半封闭式管理模式向现代的开放式管理服务模式的转变,是医院档案现代化进程中的一次质的飞跃。

    ⑵ The hospital archival management department has achieved a transformation from a traditional half-closed management model to a modern open management and service model . The transformation is a qualitative leap in the process of hospital archival modernization .

  22. 在建船舶贷款的贷后风险管理主要包括贷款资金的封闭式管理、船厂的风险管理、造船项目的监管、船东付款管理、外部风险管理和危机管理六个方面。

    The risk management of export ship construction after a loan provided covers six directions , including sealed management of the loan , risk management of the shipyard , supervision of the shipbuilding project , payment management of the ship owner , external risk management and crisis management .

  23. 开放式与封闭式病房管理对精神病的康复效果比较

    Comparison on rehabilitation effects of open-ward management and close-ward management model for psychosis

  24. 为了工作、生活的安全与高效,常常需要进行封闭式的管理。

    We often require closed management for work , life safety and efficiency .

  25. 住院治疗组实行封闭式住院管理,以药物治疗为主,辅以工娱疗法和心理治疗。

    The inpatient care group accepted closed hospital management , with drug therapy mainly , assistant with occupational-recreational therapy and psychotherapy .

  26. 当前交往实践存在的突出问题包括单一狭隘的价值观、缺失的教育学立场、封闭式的管理方式、缺乏教育指导的交往形式等。

    Main problems include single and narrow values , missing pedagogy standpoint , closed-end management style , and communications lack of educational guidance .

  27. 机场控制区应当有严密的安全保卫措施,实行封闭式分区管理。

    Strict security measures shall be established for the airport controlled area , and the area shall be of a closed type and controlled separately .

  28. 方法按照入组标准随机抽取我院四合院式半开放病区管理的住院精神分裂症患者80例,楼房封闭式病区管理的住院精神分裂症患者50例。

    Methods Eighty hospitalized patients with half-opened and Beijing Siheyuan Building management and fifty hospitalized patients with closed flat building management will be selected randomly according to their group standard .

  29. 目的研究四合院式半开放病区管理与楼房封闭式病区管理对慢性住院精神分裂症患者生活质量的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of half-opened Beijing Siheyuan building ( with characteristics of court yard ) management and closed flat building management towards the life quality of the chronic psychosis patients .

  30. 经过对实际模型进行提炼,形成了以项目为中心,集质量分析监测、封闭式文件管理、完善的输入输出管理为一体的微机管理系统。

    By the refinement of actual models , a microcomputer management system is set up which centers on projects and incorporates quality analysing and monitoring , closed document managing and perfect input and output managing as an integral whole .