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  • inside back cover
封三 [fēng sān]
  • [inside back cover] 书刊最后一页的内面

封三[fēng sān]
  1. 在过去的两年中,国家公园管理局和执法人员改变了很多,波特在一封三月份的电邮中写道。

    The N.P.S. and the law enforcement have changed a lot in the past year or two , Potter wrote in March .

  2. 笔者封三个概念的异同进行了分析,并就如何在律师代理业务中正确行使适三种权利进行了论述。

    The writer analyzes the common points and differences among the three concepts in this dissertation , and further expounds how to exercise the three rights correctly in attorney 's representation .