
  1. 西方股份公司制度在中国最初的实践和评价&官督商办企业的再评价

    The Earliest Practice of Share Company in China

  2. 经营官督商办企业的实践活动是其实业思想形成的主要条件;

    The practice of his management of the enterprises in name of government supervision and merchant operation is the precondition for the formation of his idea as such .

  3. 官督商办企业是西方股份公司制度在中国的最初实践,是中国现代化过程中与国际惯例接轨的一项重要举措。

    Private enterprises with the supervision of the government were the earliest practice of the system of western share company in China . It played an important role both in the process of Chinese modernization and in its connection with international convention .

  4. 略论晚清洋务派官商合作经济管理思想及运行模式论洋务派官督商办企业的经营形式&以轮船招商局及李鸿章为中心

    On Late Qing Dynasty Foreign Learners Thought in Economics and Management ; The Operation Form of Enterprises Supervised by Government and Managed by Businessmen in the Movement of Advocating Foreign Affairs & With Steamship Investment Promotion Bureau and Li Hong-zhang at the Center

  5. 本文以晚清中国电报局为研究对象,通过梳理这一官督商办企业在晚清社会近30年的发展历程,探寻电报局的特质及其与晚清社会的密切关系。

    This thesis targets the Imperial Chinese Telegraph Administration of the late Qing Dynasty , attempting to locate the characteristics of the company and the relations between the company and the Late Qing society by surveying the course of development of this Government-Monitored-and-Privately-Invested company in nearly thirty years .

  6. 时人以西方公司企业制度为参照,批评官督商办股份制企业背离了公司企业的若干基本要求,呼吁完善企业制度建设。

    In the light of the western corporation systems , people criticized that the government monitored and privately invested stock-enterprises violated some basic demands for corporation enterprises , and asked to perfect enterprise systems .