
guān jiē
  • official rank;official ranking
官阶 [guān jiē]
  • [official ranking] 官员的等级次第

官阶[guān jiē]
  1. 顾读是一个正派、诚实的人,其官阶和声望比不上宋世杰的聪明、机敏的才智。

    A decent and honest man , his official rank and his roar were no match to Song Shijie 's clever and nimble wit .

  2. 甲历档案分类保管,按出身、官阶和资历等等列分开,便于每年度铨选的查阅和统计。

    Occupy first place over the calendar classification of documents storage , part according to columns such as family background , official rank and experience , easy to spend steelyard selections every year looking up and statistics .

  3. 2.:升官;升迁corporateladder:公司的官阶.在一个企业里想要升迁,必须努力工作,再加上一点他人的帮助和运气。

    eg. It takes hard work and a little bit of help and luck to move up the corporate ladder

  4. 陆军少尉的官阶相当于海军少尉。vt.密合

    The rank of second lieutenant in the Army corresponds to that of ensign in the navy .

  5. 你的官阶高,洗澡也要优先哪?

    This mean you 're pulling rank for the shower too ?

  6. 皇帝封给我全国最高的官阶。

    The Emperor gave me the highest rank in the country .

  7. 授予某人官阶、职位或权力

    Confer a rank , an office or power on sb

  8. 他说那不符合你的官阶。

    He says it 's not befitting to your rank .

  9. 他授予麦克阿瑟将军以最高的官阶和勋奖。

    He promptly directed the highest promotions and decorations for General MacArthur .

  10. 在过道里会有一个官阶比你高的人站在那里

    In the hall there will be a man who outranks you .

  11. 上尉是低于少校的一个官阶。

    Captain is an inferior rank to major .

  12. 少校官阶或比其更高的官阶。

    The ranks of major and above .

  13. 90年代,数以百万计的妇女情愿走母亲路线也不愿攀缘公司的官阶。

    Millions of women in the1990s are choosing the mommy track over climbing the corporate ladder .

  14. 就是这样的特质,让塔克薛拉在波士顿的「敌军身份」晋升到一个新的官阶。

    They are the sort of attributes that should push Teixeira toward a new echelon of enemy-dom in Beantown .

  15. 授予某人爵位的行为。授予某人官阶、职位或权力

    The act of raising someone to the nobility . Confer a rank , an office or power on sb

  16. 补子上不同的动物象征着不同的官阶等级。

    The various animals that were used also symbolized the rank of the officers who wore them on their garments .

  17. 褫夺其一切官阶及头衔,一切封地及财产,并判处其死刑.大人…

    I strip him of all ranks and titles , of all lands and holdings , and sentence him to death . My Lord ...

  18. 用作对官阶很高的人的尊称教会官员的尊称(大教堂教长大牧师等)。

    Used in the title of very high-ranking people a title of respect for various ecclesiastical officials ( as cathedral deans and canons and others ) .

  19. 他这位朋友的官阶虽然不高,只是一名边防部队的军士,可是却一向受到子牢的敬重。

    Though his friend 's rank in the government was not high , just a sergeant in frontier defense army , he was always respected by Zilao .

  20. 王公大臣们按辈分和官阶分别跪侍在排云门内,金水桥的桥南桥北。

    Ministers and aristoctrats knelt down inside the gates of parting clouds on the southern and northern sides of bridge of gold bridge according to age and rank .

  21. 汤显明承诺以顽强的决心履行职责;对涉案人员一视同仁,无论其地位或官阶如何。

    Mr Tong promised to perform our duty with dogged determination ; with no exception as to the   .   .   .   status or levels of the person involved .