
  • 网络abstract form
  1. 第二部分:抽象形态的运动。

    The second section : the movement of an abstract pattern .

  2. 从色彩写生到抽象形态

    From Color - Sketch to Abstract Formation

  3. 几何抽象形态语言与当代壁画

    Geometry abstract language and modern fresco

  4. 形而上学的抽象形态

    The Abstract Formation of Metaphysics

  5. 证据有抽象形态与具体形态,只能对具体形态的证据提出资格要求。

    Evidence can be in abstract forms or concrete forms , and we can only make competence requirements on concrete evidence .

  6. 第二,抽象形态的运动:感性概念――纯粹范畴――范畴系统,哲学概念和理论的结构化;

    Secondly , the movement of the abstract pattern : perceptual concept ― pure category ― category system , the structuralization of philosophical concepts and theories .

  7. 其强调结构的动态性与相对性,这与系统哲学强调系统的开放性、相对性有共同之点。结构主义与系统哲学都是反事件的,它们本身是一种抽象形态的。

    Structuralism employs some concepts and methods of systemic philosophy but stresses the dynamics and relativity of structure , which is similar to the ideas of openness and relativity in systemic philosophy .

  8. 一方面,要成为一个标志,一座建筑必须要提出一个全新并且浓缩的意向,在抽象形态或者建筑完形上高屋建瓴,并且要从城市中脱颖而出。

    On the one hand , to become iconic a building must provide a new and condensed image , be high in figural shape or gestalt , and stand out from the city .

  9. 本文试图建立一个有关城市旅游开发与规划的应用理论模式,该模式的建立主要依据地理空间分析方法,同时借用景观生态学抽象形态单位斑、廊、基的概念。

    This article tries to establish such an operated model with the conceptions of Landscape Ecology , such as patch , corridor and matrix , which consist of three operational elements on tourism planning .

  10. 城市肌理由基本形和结构框架构成,具有具象实体和抽象形态的双重属性,本文初步拟出一套描述城市肌理的定性定量指标。

    With double attributes of concrete entity and abstract shape , urban fabric is made up of basic forms and structural framework . Here a series of indices are put forward to describe the urban fabric .

  11. 如何高效、正确地将高度抽象的形态设计,自动变化成设计的低层实现形态是软硬件协同设计(Hardware/softwareCo-design)的一大难题。

    In the field of hardware / software co-design , it is a difficult problem to transform the design description on high level to an implementation of lower level .

  12. 抽象性形态是绘画艺术体系中的重要支柱。

    Abstract form is an important pillar of painting art system .

  13. 略谈中国绘画的抽象性形态

    On Abstract form of Chinese painting

  14. 由于具象造型形态与抽象造型形态的再现性和表现性的差异,本课题从具象和抽象两个方面对现代陶艺造型形态语义进行解读。

    As the reproduction and expression difference between concrete form and abstract form , this topic interprets the form semantic of modern ceramic art from concrete form and abstract form two aspects .

  15. 他以别致的构图通过点线面的交织加以体现,以简括和半抽象的形态表现大自然音乐般律动和相应的心理感受,富有时代特征,使人耳目一新。

    Through his unique point of line and surface composition to be reflected intertwined to form nutshell and semi-abstract nature , the performance of musical rhythm and the corresponding psychological feelings , rich characteristics of the times and refreshing .

  16. 摘要在艺术设计的教学实践中对形态知觉、形态心理的理解与认识,对学生进行抽象的形态构成练习,促使学生思维的改进,促进新的表现方法的研究。

    Understanding of shape consciousness and shape psychology in the teaching practice of art design can carry on abstract shape form exercise to student , impels improvement of thinking of student , and promotes the research of the new technique of expression .

  17. 论思维创新的抽象逻辑思维形态

    On the Abstract Logical Thinking Pattern of Thought Innovation

  18. 他把对现实生活、现实世界或者说现实事物的一种感受作为自己表达的出发点和契机,形成了在描绘的过程中采用抽象语言的形态。

    His feelings about the real world and real things form the basis of his art and are used to develop his abstract art language .

  19. 仿生物形态设计是现代产品形态设计的主要方法之一,重点论述了产品形态仿生设计中的具象艺术与抽象艺术以及产品形态仿生设计中的文化艺术&意象设计。

    Bionic design of product form is an important method of modern product design . the figure arts and abstract arts in the bionic design , and the culture and arts in the bionic design of product form was discussed .

  20. 以上数据在计算机上都以二维平面图的方式体现,尽管拥有标注等高线的地形图,给专业人员描绘出抽象的地形三维形态,但一般人员普遍感觉直观性差、难以判读。

    The data mentioned above is reflected as two-dimensional floor plan on the computer . Although the topographic maps with marking contour depict the abstract three-dimensional ( 3-D ) shape of the terrain to the professional , the general staff normally feel the visual differences and difficulties to read .

  21. 考察虽是以个别地区的个别案例为对象,但作为抽象国家的具体形态&政府,对其具体行为的考察与今后建设的思考也会给一个国家或地区的经济和社会带来深远的影响。

    Although the investigation takes the particular cases of the individual regions as objects , the concrete form of an abstract concept & government , the investigation and thinking of whose specific acts and future construction will have a far-reaching impact on economy and society in the county or region .