
chōu shuǐ jī
  • water pump
抽水机 [chōu shuǐ jī]
  • [water engine] 用以取水(如从井中)的机泵

  1. 安妮把海伦带到院子的抽水机旁。

    Anne took Helen to the water pump in the yard .

  2. 如果抽水机坏了,他也要爬进井里修好机器。

    If the water pump stopped working , he would go down the well to repair it himself .

  3. 抽水机坏了,只好用人工抽水。

    We had to move water by a chain pump because the electric pump had broken down .

  4. 两个人的口水只管喷泉似地朝外涌,两个抽水机全力以赴往外抽水。

    Both fountains were going furiously and both pumps bailing with might and main .

  5. 我们将用抽水机把水抽出来。

    We 'll get the water out with a suction pump .

  6. 家庭中的每个人可以轮流操作这种抽水机。

    Everyone in the family can take turns operating the pump .

  7. 来到抽水机旁,十分卖力地干起来。

    And went to the Pump and work 'd very heartily .

  8. 使音调协调和悦耳所公认的方法;三种公认的抽水机的类型。

    Accepted methods of harmony and melody ; three accepted types of pump .

  9. 所以他们重新使用踏板抽水机。

    So they are using their treadle pumps again .

  10. 说明,阐明;表明老师把心脏比作打气筒(抽水机),说明了它的功能。

    illustrate The teacher compared the heart to a pump to illustrate its function .

  11. 接着,人们用高功率的抽水机和长水管将温热的海水抽到地面上来。

    People use powerful pumps and long pipes to bring the water to the surface .

  12. 他们曾经关掉抽水机,我的家具全部被水淹没,一切都被水淹没。

    Once they shut the pumps off , my furnace is under water , everything .

  13. 他将心脏比作打气筒(抽水机)有助于孩子们了解心脏的作用。

    His comparison of the heart to a pump helped the children understand its action .

  14. 可是他们要分给农民,这一部一部的抽水机,要区域性地分给他们。

    However , the water pumps had to be allocated among farmers in different regions .

  15. 人力操作的踏板抽水机也是另外一个选择。

    Human-powered treadle pumps are another solution .

  16. 抽水机在那。

    The pump is over there .

  17. 机器、抽水机和五金工作室

    Machine , Pump and Hardware Shop

  18. 还有那个可怕的抽水机。

    With that awful sucking machine .

  19. 结果显示生产井内抽水机电线通电时的磁场,并不会对自记仪器的讯号线产生干扰与导致误差。

    Our results show that water pressure records does not have signal of noise by submersible pump .

  20. 一句话,我吓得晕倒在抽水机旁。

    In a word , I was so surprised , that I fell down in a Swoon .

  21. 象抽水机一样运转;象把柄或踏板一样上下移动。

    Operate like a pump ; move up and down , like a handle or a pedal .

  22. 抽水机抽水的原理能够用来说明心脏怎样使血液周身循环。

    The way that a pump works is used to illustrate how the heart sends blood around the body .

  23. 踏板抽水机很容易制造,用竹子或其它木材,加两个有活塞的气缸就可以了。

    The treadle pump is easy to build from bamboo or other wood and two metal cylinders with pistons .

  24. 赞比亚一位农民说,他希望三年之内有钱购买一台柴油抽水机。

    A farmer in Zambia said he hoped to have enough money in three years to buy a diesel-powered pump .

  25. 你可以用它给很多东西充电,比如笔记本电脑、电筒、甚至是抽水机。

    You can recharge a number of things such as computer notebooks , torches , even water pumps , with them .

  26. 例句:这台抽水机由电动机皮带驱动。

    turn on : to actuate a machine . vt The pump is actuated by a belt driven by an electric motor .

  27. 潜入水下泵与平凡的抽水机不同的是它事情在水下,而抽水机大部分事情在地面上。

    Submersible pump and water pump common difference is it works under water , and pumps most of the work on the ground .

  28. 食物价格的上涨,导致泰国商业部增列16种商品,为管制价格项目,包括饮水,抽水机和蜡烛。

    The rises led the Commerce Ministry to add16 items to those under state price controls including drinking water , water pumps and candles .

  29. 正犹如并联的抽水机同样,这些个并联的发机电所孕育发生的电流将加在一路,以构成100安培的总电流。

    Just as with the parallel water pumps , the currents form these parallel generators will add together to make a total flow of100 amperes .

  30. 诺第留斯号的抽水机有异乎寻常的力量,您应当看见过了,上次对林肯号喷出的水柱,像强大的激流一样,猛烈地冲去。

    The Nautilus 's pumps have prodigious strength , as you must have noticed when their waterspouts swept like a torrent over the Abraham Lincoln .