
chōu sī
  • run;reel off raw silk from cocoons;reel the silk thread off cocoons
抽丝 [chōu sī]
  • (1) [reel the silk thread off cocoons]∶把蚕茧的丝抽取出来

  • (2) [run]∶因脱针或断线而脱丝

  • 保证不抽丝的袜子

抽丝[chōu sī]
  1. 长筒袜的一侧抽丝了。

    The ladder blew sideways

  2. 那真是不顺心的日子:汽车发动不起来,我开会迟到,更糟糕的是,我的紧身衣抽丝了。

    It just wasn 't my day ; the car wouldn 't start , I was late for the meeting , and to top it all I laddered my tights !

  3. 谚]灾来如山倒,灾去如抽丝。

    Mischiefs come by the pound , and go away by the ounce . [

  4. n.产量灰斑病菌在抽丝期期间或结束后损害叶片,导致严重减产。

    Gray leaf spot damages leaves at or just after silking stage and causes severe yield reduction .

  5. 二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)是一种重要的有机溶剂,被广泛应用于合成革生产、聚丙烯腈抽丝、丁二烯抽提等工艺中。

    Dimethylformamide ( DMF ) is widely used in leather industry , polyacrylonitrile fibre spinning and butadiene extraction craft as an important organic solvent .

  6. 利用两个群体各二个轮回选择周期的材料,研究了ASI(散粉至抽丝间隔)在盖膜与露地以及直播与移栽条件下的反应。

    The gain via 2 cycles of recurrent selection for ASI ( anthesis-silking interval ) in two maize populations was investigated under conditions with or without plastic cover and direct seeding or transplanting .

  7. 但是,英国伦敦大学学院的尼古拉·雷汉尼(NicholaRaihani)和哈佛大学的凯瑟琳·麦考利夫(KatherineMcAuliffe)最近进行的一项实验尝试对这个问题抽丝剥缕,这一实验的结果发表在了最近的《生物学快报》上。

    But a recent experiment by Nichola Raihani of University College , London , and Katherine McAuliffe of Harvard , just published in Biology Letters , attempts to disentangle the matter .

  8. 3夏玉米穗粒数的形成与植株体的物质生产能力密切相关,穗粒数与抽丝前后一个月的作物生长速率(PGR)呈正相关。

    KN had a close relationship with plant dry matter production , and related positively with plant growth rate ( PGR ) during the period , about one month , bracketing flowering .

  9. Laundress的联合创始人怀廷却不推荐其中的任何一种方法,因为它们可能会进一步损毁衣物,包括使衣服剐破抽丝,伤损纱线或是弄出一个洞。

    The Laundress 's Ms. Whiting doesn 't recommend any of these because of the potential for further damage , including snagging , harming the yarn or making a hole .

  10. 供试材料生理成熟期一般在抽丝后50~55d,此时含水量在27%~42%之间。

    All the inbred lines tested reached their physiological mature stage at 50 to 55 days after silking and had the water content of 27 % - 42 % .

  11. 抽花或刺绣用亚麻布通过抽丝形成花边状图案的一种装饰性的刺绣品。

    Ornamental needlework done by drawing threads to form lacelike patterns .

  12. 祸来如山倒,灾去如抽丝。

    Mischiefs come by the pound and go away by the ounce .

  13. 熔钢抽丝法钢纤维质量影响因素的分析

    Analysis of factor of effecting quality of steel fibers by Melt-Extraction process

  14. 你有不会抽丝的尼龙袜子吗?

    Have you any nylons that won 't ladder ?

  15. 我得换条紧身裤了,因为这条抽丝了。

    I had to change my tights because they had a ladder in then .

  16. 她的长袜有一道抽丝痕。

    Her stocking had a ladder in it .

  17. 该死!这是我今天抽丝的第二条紧身裤了!

    Damn ! That 's the second pair of tights I 've laddered today !

  18. 你有没有不抽丝的袜子?

    Do you have socks not laddering .

  19. 高密度聚乙烯挤出抽丝技术分析

    A Technical Analysis on High Density Polyethylene Materials Extruded Through an Extrusion to Form a Plastic Threads

  20. 她到了办公室才注意到袜子抽丝了。

    She didn 't notice the run in her stocking until she had arrived at the office .

  21. 生育过程中抽丝期的群体根系伤流量强度与抽丝后于物质积累量、总干物质积累量及籽粒产量相关最密切。

    The root flux activity at silking stage had most significantly positive relation with dry matter accumulation during grain filling and grain yield .

  22. 虽然在查士丁尼后期拜占庭得到了中国的养蚕抽丝技术,但其产量远远不能满足丝绸业对生丝的庞大需求。

    Although it got the skill of keeping silkworm and drawing thread , the output could not satisfy the great need of raw silk .

  23. 结果表明,玉米双穗抽丝同步性和成穗同步性的加性、显性及其与环境互作的遗传效应均达到极显著水平。

    The results showed that the additive and dominant effects and their interaction effects with environments are significant for the traits of double-ear silking and kernel bearing .

  24. 由于背景区域的放大倍数会大于目标区域,为了避免由于拉伸比例过大,而出现的视觉抽丝现象。作者提出了基于放大倍数的虚拟与插值相结合的背景放大方法。

    In order to avoid the phenomenon of visual snag when the stretch ratio is too large , the author has proposed a background scaling method which is based on the combination of background virtualization and interpolation amplification .

  25. 研究结果表明:高油玉米主要性状中叶片数、穗位高、抽丝期、株高等遗传力较高,可在早代进行选择。

    The results showed that : the hereditary capacity of the numbers of leaves , ear position , silking stage and plant height were higher than other major characters , these characters can be selected at early generation .

  26. 抽丝到抽丝后14天是决定穗粒数的关键时期,而抽丝到抽丝后24天中改善营养对千粒重较重要,加强抽丝到抽丝后24天的管理可增加产量。

    The key stage for grain number was from silking to 14 days after silking . Improve nutrition during a period from silking to 24 days after silking had greater importance to increase 1000-grain weight . Therefore , it would increase yield to enhance management in this period .

  27. 除散粉期、抽丝期、蜡熟期单株持绿叶数、穗行数、出籽率、籽粒深度6个性状群体间差异不显著外,其余性状在群体间存在真实的遗传差异(表1)。

    The main results were summarized as follows : 1 . Variance was significant in all the observed traits except for pollen shedding phase , silk phase , green leaf duration , kernel / row , seeding rate and kernel depth in the 5 populations ( chart 1 ) .