
  1. 丁日昌等极力主张购买铁甲舰,抵抗日本的侵略。

    Qing government was stimulated by Japanese invasion into Taiwna , Ding Ri-chang etc.

  2. 近20年来丁日昌研究概述

    An Outline of Ting Jih-ch ' ang ' Research during the Past 20 Years

  3. 丁日昌是近代中国一位有争议的地方督抚大员、洋务实干家。

    TING Jih-ch'ang was a disputed local governor and western affairs practiser in modern China .

  4. 根据丁日昌的思想言行和晚清客观历史环境与条件之间的内在联系,应当从总体上对其予以肯定。

    According to the internal relations between TING Jih-ch'ang 's thoughts and actions and late Qing 's objective historical surroundings and conditions , we should give him total approval .

  5. 但受所处时代、个人经历以及阶级地位的制约,丁日昌对西方文化的学习尚存在缺憾和不足。

    However , due to limitations of the time that he was in , and his personal experience , and of his class status , there were some regrets and shortcomings in his western culture learning .

  6. 通过对丁日昌外交思想和活动的分析考察,明确认定其按照条约办事的外交指导思想和具体实践,其抵制外来侵略、维护国家主权的成分占据主导地位。

    Through the analysis and inspection of TING Jih-ch'ang 's diplomatic thoughts and actions , we could hold explicitly his diplomatic guiding thoughts and concrete actions on the basis of treaties in which defending foreign invasion and maintaining national sovereignty took up a dominant position .