
  • 网络marine litter;marine debris
  1. 然而,尽管人们关切大面积的海洋垃圾带,大多数的海洋塑胶并不庞大。

    Yet , despite the publicity about huge garbage patches in the sea , most of the ocean 's plastic isn 't big .

  2. 海洋垃圾是海洋污染物的一种。

    Marine garbage is one kind of marine pollutants .

  3. 灾难过后的一个月,海洋垃圾冲刷出一些飞机残骸,对这些物质的研究使专家更好的了解到应该在哪些区域开展搜寻工作。

    Sweeps of the ocean in the month after the tragedy turned up some debris and studies of this material have now given experts a better idea of where to look .

  4. 我们必须减少营养物污染以及进入我们的海洋的垃圾。

    We must reduce nutrient pollution and trash entering our waters .

  5. 有关禁止向海洋抛洒垃圾的国际协定必须实施。

    International treaties prohibiting dumping at sea must be enforced .

  6. 咱们必需停滞向海洋倾倒垃圾。

    We must cease dumping waste in the sea .

  7. 污水排放海洋和垃圾处理&发展中国家遇到的问题

    Ocean outfall and solid waste disposal & appraisal of encountered problems in developing countries

  8. 很多鱼会因扔进海洋的垃圾而死去或受污染。

    Many fish can die or become contaminated from the trash that is thrown into the ocean .

  9. 这项研究的带头人、美国佐治亚大学(UniversityofGeorgia)的詹娜•简贝克表示,流入海洋的塑料垃圾总量正在迅速增长,速度正在赶上全球的塑料生产量。

    The amount of plastic going into the oceans is increasing fast , keeping pace with global plastic production , said the study leader Jenna Jambeck of the University of Georgia .

  10. 尽管海洋能瓦解垃圾,但海岸可能会被污染,鱼类不能吃。

    Although the sea breaks up the waste , beaches may become polluted and fish may not safe to eat .

  11. 根据对海上塑料垃圾问题的首次科学评估,全球每年流入海洋的塑料垃圾达到令人震惊的800万吨,相当于全球每英尺海岸线都流入5只塞满塑料的食品袋。

    A staggering 8m tonnes of plastic waste are entering the world 's oceans every year , or the equivalent to five grocery bags filled with plastic for every foot of coastline in the world , according to the first scientific assessment of the problem .

  12. 海洋环境中漂浮垃圾的监测方法

    RUBBISH The monitoring methods of the drifting debris in the marine environment

  13. 据科学家保守估计,人类每年向海洋丢弃的塑料垃圾约为480万至1270万吨,占海洋固体污染物总量的60%-80%。

    About 4.8 million to 12.7 million ton of plastic waste goes into the seas very year , accounting for 60 % to 80 % of the total solid pollutants in the oceans , according to a conservative estimate by scientists .