
yuán yīn fēn xī
  • cause analysis;analysis of causes;Root Cause Analysis;causal analysis
  1. Z向钢板超声波探伤不合格的原因分析

    Analysis of Causes for Ultrasonic Test Defects in Z-Direction Steel Plate

  2. CDMA网络掉话原因分析

    Analysis of Causes on Dropped Call in CDMA Network

  3. 本文就转炉沸腾钢过氧化问题进行了原因分析,制订了解决措施

    Converter rimming steel over-oxidation is analyzed and solution raised .

  4. ST型双向闸瓦间隙调整器典型故障的原因分析及预防措施

    Analysis of Causes to Typical Troubles in ST 2-Direction Brake Shoe Slack Adjuster and Preventative Measures

  5. HCl塔腐蚀原因分析及工艺改进措施

    Reasons for the corrosion of HCl column and improvements on the process

  6. ICU病人并发真菌感染的原因分析及护理

    Causative analysis of patients in ICU complicated with fungous infection and its nursing strategies

  7. SL系列延时型漏电断路器故障原因分析

    Trouble Reason Analysis for SL Series Delayed Electrical Leakage Circuit Breaker

  8. Gamma钉与动力髋螺钉(DHS)治疗股骨转子周围骨折并发症原因分析

    Complications which occur in treatment of femoral peritrochanteric fractures by Gamma nail and DHS

  9. SARS-CoV抗体实验诊断中的假阳性原因分析

    Analysis of false-positive associated with antibody tests for SARS-CoV

  10. TURP术后排尿异常原因分析

    An Analytical Study on the Cause of Paruria after TURP

  11. 220kVSF6开关弧光接地故障原因分析

    Analysis of the 220 kV SF_ 6 Circuit Breaker Arc Ground Fault

  12. 通钢HRSG省煤器泄漏原因分析及对策

    Leakage Cause Analysis of HRSG Economizer and Countermeasures

  13. 新5L型空气压缩机事故原因分析

    Analysis on reasons of air compressor accidents

  14. 220kV组合电器主回路直流电阻增大的原因分析

    Causal Analysis of Main Circuit DC Resistance Increasing in a 220 kV Gas-insulated Metal-enclosed Switchgear

  15. 通过对制氢净化脱碳系统腐蚀机理及原因分析,指出该系统的腐蚀是由碱液全面腐蚀、应力腐蚀、冲蚀和湿CO2腐蚀所引起。

    The analysis of corrosion mechanisms and corrosion causes of the hydrogen purification system of the hydrogen generation plant indicated that the corrosion of the system was caused by caustic corrosion , erosion and wet CO 2 corrosion .

  16. 2×300MW机组产生临界火焰的原因分析和综合治理探讨

    Exploration on Cause Analysis and Comprehensive Treatment for the Emergence of Critical Flame in 2 × 300MW Generating Sets

  17. 目的为了提高B-D试验判读的有效性和准确性,我们观察两种B-D试验包测试图的合格率,并对试验失败进行原因分析。

    OBJECTIVE To improve the reading efficiency and accuracy of B-D test , we have studied and analyzed the failure causes .

  18. SITI-1703全自动液压机主油缸缸壁刮伤的原因分析及修复

    Reasons of scratching the main cylinder wall of SITI-1703 type automatic machine and repair

  19. JD-11.4绞车调速装置多发故障的原因分析

    Analysis on causes for governor faults of the which JD-11.4

  20. 1200B四辊不可逆式冷轧机着火原因分析

    Analysis on firing 1200B four-high non-reversing cold mill

  21. 合成气压缩机(103-J)高压缸污油收集器漏油原因分析及对策

    Oil Leak Causes Analysis and Disposal of Dirty Oil Collector for High Pressure Cylinder of Synthetic Gas Compressor 103-J

  22. 通过对低温冷储设施低温液化气外输加热器(E-61-11)在投用、运行过程中多次发生内漏的原因分析,提出了在操作、维护过程中相应的对策。

    Through the reason analysis of E-61-11 in cold bin of hypothermia often leak during run , suggest the corresponding game at operation and servicing .

  23. 利用TCP/IP到RS232接口转换器可以解决协议转换的硬件接口问题,但是在实现DNC高级控制中又存在传输数据速度匹配的问题,基于对该问题产生的原因分析,提出了一种延缓的方法。

    The TCP / IP to RS232 protocol converter can solve the problem of hardware interface , but the issue of velocity-matching exists in realizing the advanced control of DNC , analyzing on the reasons of the problem , I have put a kind of method to delay .

  24. 文章介绍了DG753.82/45015型循环流化床锅炉的结构特性及传热机理,对其运行中的主要问题进行了原因分析,并提出了相应的改进措施。

    This paper introduces the structure features and heat-transfer mechanism of DG75 3.82/450 15 type recirculating fluidized bed boiler , and makes analysis on the reasons of the main problems existing in its operation , and puts forward some corresponding improving measures .

  25. 岩溶覆盖层塌陷的原因分析及其半定量预测

    Cause analysis and quasi-quantitative prediction on the collapse of karst overburden

  26. 延迟焦化装置焦化炉辐射出口弯头穿孔原因分析

    Analysis of perforation of an elbow of heater for delayed coker

  27. 建筑物地基基础常见问题原因分析及防治措施

    Common problems and analysis of foundation of building & prevention measures

  28. 影响河南省棉农植棉积极性的原因分析与对策措施

    The Reasons for Influencing Cotton Planting Positivity of Farmers & Countermeasures

  29. 湿式制动桥半轴断裂原因分析

    Half Shaft Fracture Cause Analysis of the Wet Type Brake Axle

  30. 飞机压力信号器膜盒破裂原因分析

    Rupture Analysis of Hydraulic Signal Meter Film Box for the Airplane