
  • 网络original;original work
  1. 鲍勃更喜欢创作原创作品,而不是制作复制品。

    Bob prefers making original pieces rather than reproductions

  2. 2021年也有许多原创作品涌现。

    Original works are also emerging in 2021 .

  3. 类似地,美国1909年对CopyrightAct的修订,将版权扩展到保护音乐以及所有原创作品。

    Similarly , the United States'revision of its Copyright Act in1909 broadened copyright protection to music and further to all works of authorship .

  4. 但JackCards的确让我看到了一些以前从未见过的充满灵感的原创作品。

    But Jack Cards did introduce me to some clever and original material that I never would 've seen in my CVS .

  5. 通过与日本移动游戏厂商DeNA合作,该公司将为智能设备专门开发拥有任天堂游戏人物的原创作品。

    Through a new partnership with Japanese mobile game publisher DeNA , it will design original games featuring Nintendo characters exclusively for smart devices .

  6. CreativeCommons是传统版权(通常被指定为保留一些权利)的一个替代方案。CC许可的目的是对一个原创作品保留所有权和商业使用权的同时,允许一定程度的共享。

    Creative Commons is an alternative to traditional copyright , which is often designated as " some rights reserved . " The purpose of the CC license is to permit some level of sharing of a creative work while retaining rights of ownership and commercial usage .

  7. Audible是全国最大有声书制作商与零售商。它投资原创作品是为了展示这种形式的极大潜力,并像电视界的HBO、Showtime和Netflix那样提供专属内容。

    Audible , the country 's largest audio book producer and retailer , has been investing in original works as a way to showcase the dramatic potential of the form , and to provide exclusive content as HBO , Showtime and Netflix do in television .

  8. 苏珊娜·鲁伯特(SusannaRubert)说,最终解决方案是,她的公司委托西门尼斯绘制一幅原创作品,作为该公司的特别酒标,这样,西门尼斯最终可以绘制自己版本的《看这个人》,展示真正由她自己绘制的图案。

    To settle it , Susana Ruberte said her company commissioned an original work by Mrs. Gim é nez for their special label that finally allowed her to create her own version of " Ecce Homo , " demonstrating that she could actually paint .

  9. 必须是原创作品,禁止任何抄袭或剽窃。

    Must be original works , to prohibit any copying or plagiarism .

  10. 自创或改编原创作品演唱的人;

    A person who wrote or adapted and sang poems ;

  11. 不得复制非原创作品内容;

    Do not copy content you did not create ;

  12. 发表、交流各类文学作品,支持原创作品!

    Announce , communicate each kind of literature work , support the original work !

  13. 如果你正努力制造属于你自己的原创作品,这是绝对必需的。

    It is absolutely important if you are trying to create something original yourself .

  14. 你自己的原创作品可能不会在另一个五年内出现。

    Your own original creations will probably not make their appearance for another five years .

  15. 参赛作品应是原创作品,且第一次参加比赛。

    The artwork that is submitted should not have been used previously in any other contest .

  16. 在一些国内外知名赛事上,福州动漫企业的原创作品也屡获殊荣。

    In some well-known events , the animation business in Fuzhou is also the award-winning original works .

  17. 我认为你再也找不到很多真正是后结构主义的原创作品了。

    I don 't think you can find much original work that is truly post-structuralist any more .

  18. 第三部分结合具体的原创作品,考察网络文学的创作特点:自由的创作心态,表现人物情爱的虚拟性,以及幽默调侃的创作风格和简约精致的文体风格。

    The third part brings an inspection to the original works and the creation characteristics of the online literature .

  19. 任过唱片公司录音乐手,现有原创作品几十首。其中有获网络原创奖项。

    Worked as a record company recorded music in hand , dozens of original works available in the first .

  20. 本博客文字与图片除非特殊说明,否则均为本人原创作品并版权所有。

    All texts and photos in this blog are original artworks of me and copyrighted unless were specifically explained .

  21. 保护原创作品创造者,防止他人在未经许可的情况下抄袭,演出和分发其作品。

    They protect the creators of original works by preventing others from copying , performing , or distributing those works without permission .

  22. 但中国当代油画领域其原创作品,真正体现个性表达语言并不多见;

    However , the original art works in China present-day oil painting area which possess suitable expression of specific language are seldom .

  23. 剽窃,简言之,窃取他人的语言和思想,并冒充作为自己的原创作品。

    Plagiarism in simple words is stealing another person 's language and thoughts , and passing it off as one 's own original work .

  24. 《校歌》是一首进行曲风格的多声部合唱音乐,歌词属于原创作品,其结构与《黄河》的歌词结构基本相同;

    Jimei School Song is a chorus of march style , its words are an original work , and its words structure is alike with Yellow River 's.

  25. 罗琳说她的法律行动遵循规则,目标是在各地支持著作权以保护原创作品。

    Following the ruling , Ms Rowling said her legal action had aimed " to uphold the right of authors everywhere to protect their own original work " .

  26. 现代美术馆定期展出著名的涂鸦作品照片,有些还请来街头艺术家在美术馆内亲自创作原创作品。

    Modern art museums regularly display photos of notable graffiti , and some have invited street artists to come in and create original works within the museums themselves .

  27. 原创作品原创作品,尤指一套以编号标明作曲者创作时间的先后的音乐作品再谈《橘颂》的创作时间&兼与赵逵夫先生商榷

    A creative work , especially a musical composition numbered to designate the order of a composer 's works . WRITING TIME ABOUT ADE TO TANGERINE ANE STUDIED ONCE AGAIN

  28. 参赛作品必须为参赛者本人的原创作品,并无侵犯他人的权益(包括版权)。

    Every piece of artwork submitted must be the original work of the entrant who should ensure there is no infringement of the rights ( including copyright ) of others .

  29. 独创性的判断会因作品是原创作品还是二次作品,是汇编作品还是演绎作品,是文学、艺术作品、事实作品还是功能性作品而有所不同。

    , original works or secondary works , compiled works or deductive works , literature works or works of art , factual works or functional works , which determines the judgment of originality .

  30. 通过这种方式,此权利涉及了更广的创造性作品,并显著保护了构建于原创作品之上的作品。

    In this way , the right covers more creative work , protects the creative work more broadly , and protects works that are based in a significant way on the initial creative work .