
yuán shǐ zhǔ yì
  • primitivism
  1. 凯瑟、福克纳和海明威原始主义倾向的生态关怀

    Ecological Concern in Cather , Faulkner and Hemingway 's Primitivism

  2. 劳伦斯的小说贯穿着原始主义的追求。

    The pursuit of primitivism can be seen throughout D.

  3. 反原始主义:大众神话的终结者鲁迅与个性主义

    Against primitive doctrine : the terminator of the public myth

  4. 论沈从文小说的原始主义倾向

    Primitive Tendency In Shen Cong wen 's Novels

  5. 现代音乐,本来就从原始主义为发端。

    Modern music is originally from the primitivism .

  6. 原始主义文学的主要特征是以原始批判现代文明。

    Criticizing the modern civilization with primitiveness is the main feature of the primitivism literature .

  7. 亨利?马蒂斯著名的《割断》系列作品是原始主义流派的代表作之一。

    The famous series of cut-outs by Henri Matisse are a good example of primitivism .

  8. 本文运用原始主义批评方法对沈从文小说加以解读。

    In the paper the author applies the critic method of primitivism to appreciate Shen Congwen 's novels .

  9. 但大多数思想家和艺术家都对以机器为代表的现代的来临持怀疑和批判态度,其中就有一股原始主义倾向,主张从古代和异域的文化中汲取灵感、力量甚至主张采取那样的生活方式。

    But most thinkers and artists hold a critic attitude to the arrival of machine and modern time .

  10. 他对现代主义文学中的原始主义倾向的最大贡献是他对性的处理。在他的剧场里,性几乎成了宗教,性似乎等于救赎。

    His most important contribution to the Modernist primitivism in literature is his sophisticated treatment of sex , which makes sex almost a religion .

  11. 现代原始主义虽然算不上真正意义上的艺术派别,但借用原始艺术符号来表现未被现代文明所异化的、质朴的精神本源的艺术家却是屡见不鲜。

    There are many western artists who use primitive symbols to represent the simple and elegant spiritual fountainhead not yet contaminated by modern civilization .

  12. 第四章是总结全文:阐述毛姆作品中的文化冲突以及文化整合从而对原始主义进行反思。

    The last chapter summarizes the whole thesis . It mainly reflects on primitivism though elaborating cultural conflict and cultural integration in Maugham novels .

  13. 其不同之处在于:一个歌颂现代工业文明,一个倾向国粹原始主义;

    Its different place lies in that one pays a tribute to modern industry civilization and the other tends to favor the quintessence of its homeland ;

  14. 《雅歌》作为《圣经》中唯一的爱情诗,除了张扬奔放的爱情外,可以从中挖掘出刚性原始主义的题旨和意蕴。

    As the sole love poem in the Bible , the Canticles not only spreads around a bold and flowing love , but embodies the theme and connotation of rigid primitivism .

  15. 对当代文学创作中的新原始主义元素和谭恩美的作品进行分析与探讨,揭示文学创作、尤其是少数族裔的女性文学创作与充满神话性的原始色彩元素的关系。

    The article makes an analysis on tints of Neo-primitivism and Amy Tan 's works , which reveals the relation between literary creation , especially that of ethnic female writings , and the mythically primitive elements .

  16. 这种重返自然和人类文明本源的回家模式,是人类文明进程中普遍存在的一种情况,即借助将过去时代理想化的方式来对文明进步进行反思,这种文化心理被称为文化原始主义。

    The mode of returning home or returning to nature , is a common phenomenon in the development of culture . It reflects the progress of civilization by means of idealizing the past . This cultural psychology is named primitivism .

  17. 这部小说全面展示了原始主义的价值取向,厌倦工业文明,呼唤本能和肉体,探索人类回归的途径,最集中地体现了劳伦斯的精神追求。

    The value orientation of primitivism , such as being tired of industrial civilization , calling for instinct and the human body , exploring ways for human beings to return , which is revealed in this works , centrally reflects Lawrence 's spirit pursuit .

  18. 各种原始文化主义和自然文化主义的倾向。

    The tendency of various primitive cultural doctrines and various natural doctrines .

  19. 他们的原始人道主义理想至今为人们渴慕,并激发人们为之奋斗。

    The primitive humanism is still attractive to modern people , and encourages them to strive for it .

  20. 他爱慕着爱尔兰独立运动成员、原始的女性主义者茅德·冈(MaudGonne),数十年如一日;

    He spent decades in love with the Irish nationalist and proto-feminist Maud Gonne ;

  21. 他的理论可以被看作是最原始的唯物主义。

    His epistemology can be regarded as primitive materialist empiricism ;

  22. 他对原始的自由主义的推崇,他在汉斯洛普表现出来的对弱者的同情,还有他对绝对本质的痴迷,比密尔更具有乌托邦的味道。

    His retention of a primitive liberalism , his ' championing of the underdog ' as it was seen at Hanslope , like his obsession with the absolutely basic , had the flavour of more Utopian thinkers than Mill .

  23. 早期的重商主义为了资本的原始积累倡导国家主义型政府,主张政府干预经济。

    The early mercantilism for the capital primitive accumulation advocates the government intervention economy .

  24. 政府过度依靠原始的贸易保护主义;

    The government has resorted to crude protectionism .

  25. 劳伦斯:自然、原始与本真的梦幻追求&劳伦斯与原始主义小说研究(之一)

    D.H.Lawrence : Pursuit of Nature , Primitiveness and Original Truth & Lawrence and Research of Primitivism Novels ;