
yuán zuì
  • original sin
原罪 [yuán zuì]
  • [original sin] 基督教义中指亚当和夏娃在伊甸园偷吃禁果而犯下的罪过

原罪[yuán zuì]
  1. 电影《原罪》的鲜明叙述技巧构成了影片的双重叙述机制。

    The distinct narration skill of the movie " Original Sin " constitutes the double-level narrative mechanism .

  2. 不管如何标新立异,安吉丽娜·朱丽仍在《原罪》和《古墓丽影》等电影中继续对观众施展着无边魅力。

    Whatever her idiosyncrasies , Angelina Jolie continues to captivate audiences with films such as Original Sin and Tomb Raider .

  3. 嫉妒不单是一种致命的原罪,还是一种实实在在的感情。

    Envy is not just a deadly sin , it is also an emotional reality .

  4. n.原罪他认为贪图他人的财物是有罪的。

    sin He thinks it 's a sin to covet other 's properties .

  5. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)最近撰文称,数字广告是“互联网的原罪”。因此,有少数内心崇高又雄心勃勃(可能也有点幼稚)的公司希望能摆脱这种默认的业务模式。

    The Atlantic recently called digital advertising " the Internet 's original sin . " And so , we have a handful of noble , ambitious , possibly naive attempts to repent by reeling back Web 's default business model .

  6. Tess丧失伊甸园的原因是因为她所犯的原罪,由此也直接导致了她的谋杀罪,她后来所经历的救赎与再生则是她为了自己的谋杀罪所需付出的代价。

    The cause for her loss of the Garden is her original sin , which leads to her murdering of Alec . Afterwards , her redemption and regeneration are the price she must pay for her crime .

  7. 再或许说因为自己拥有原罪而未获原谅?

    Or because I have sinned and haven 't got forgiveness ?

  8. 原罪是基督教神学的核心概念,是整个基督教教义得以阐发的逻辑起点。

    The original sin is the essential concept of Christian theology .

  9. 肉食性动物有原罪吗,既然它们吃肉?

    Do carnivores have any original sins since they eat meat ?

  10. 由此,奥古斯丁引出了人的原罪,来说明自己对自由意志的观点。

    He pointed out original sin to illustrate free will theory .

  11. 本部分对此从原罪论的三个方面进行了具体分析。

    It analyses the original sin in three aspects in detail .

  12. 东亚美元本位、浮动恐惧和原罪

    East Asian Dollar Standard , Fear of Floating , and Original Sin

  13. 民企原罪没有零点方案

    10 No Zero Solution For The Original sin of The Private Companies

  14. 罪恶与人性:曹禺戏剧的原罪原型构成

    The Formation of Sin Prototype in CAO Yu 's Dramas

  15. 论现当代文学女性形象的原罪意识

    On the Yuan-zui Consciousness of Female Image of Modern Literature

  16. 原罪是你的,它们不属于我。

    My sins are yours , they 're not mine .

  17. 智妮,上帝已经赦免我们的原罪了。

    Jini , God has already forgiven us our sin .

  18. 我们仍然背负着原罪。

    And we still visit all of oursins upon ourchildren .

  19. 打从我带着我父亲的原罪出生那天起。

    Since I was branded at birth with the sins of my father .

  20. 亲爱的,你已随着原罪飘逝。

    You are gone with the sin my darling .

  21. 原罪之战三部曲的主人公是谁?

    Who is the main character in diablo : the Sin War trilogy ?

  22. 他拿出一个苹果,提醒我人类有原罪。

    He pulled out an apple to remind me of the original sin .

  23. 他们说你们因为原罪而出生。

    They say that you were born in sin .

  24. 在那时,什么是最大的原罪?

    What was the greatest sin at that point ?

  25. 盗火“和”原罪“中的文化信息

    Information of Culture from Fire Stealing and Sin Suffering

  26. 他们以深沉忏悔的文化原罪意识深入到对现有一切的大胆质疑。

    They queried everything inexistence boldly by deep and repentant cultural original-sin consciousness .

  27. 穿越文本的精神历险&当代女性写作的原罪解读

    Spiritual Adventure through Texts & Unscrambling the Original Sin in Modern Womens Writings

  28. 通过从法的角度对原罪论这三个方面进行的分析,指出原罪论实质上是一种法的理论。

    Through analysis , the original sin is actually a theory of law .

  29. 人性原罪与当代科技文明重建的价值取向

    Sin of Human Nature and Value Trend of Reconstruction of Contemporary Sci-Tech Civilization

  30. 论霍桑作品中的原罪思想

    On Hawthorne 's ideas of " original sin "