  • factory;mill;plant;works

  • 同"庵"
  • 指用机械制造生产资料或生活资料的工场。

  • 有空地方可以存货或进行加工的地方:煤~。

  • 棚舍:“枳篱茅~共桑麻。”

  • 中国明代为加强专制统治而设的特务机关。

  • 同“庵”,多用于人名。

  • 山边岩石突出覆盖处,人可居住的地方。


(工厂) factory; mill; plant; works:

  • 服装厂

    clothing factory;

  • 钢铁厂

    iron and steel works;

  • 机床厂

    machine tool plant;

  • 面粉厂

    flour mill;

  • 鞋厂

    shoe factory;

  • 造船厂


  • 啤酒厂



(厂子, 指有宽敞地面存放货物并进行加工的商店) yard; depot:

  • 煤厂

    coal yard

  1. 从化工厂熊熊烈火中泄漏出团团有毒气体。

    Clouds of toxic fumes escaped in a huge chemical factory blaze .

  2. 这个镇上的居民大部分都是汽车厂的工人及其家属。

    The town was peopled largely by workers from the car factory and their families .

  3. 我听到的最新消息是他还在汽车修理厂工作。

    The last I heard he was still working at the garage .

  4. 这家公司已逐步发展成一个主要的化工厂。

    The company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer .

  5. 这一带的所有钢铁厂都在20世纪80年代倒闭了。

    All the steelworks around here were closed down in the 1980s .

  6. 他们扩建造船厂,开始了工程施工。

    They expanded the shipyards and started engineering works .

  7. 消防人员拒不冲破围厂队伍人墙。

    Fire crews refused to cross the picket line .

  8. 法律禁止棉纺厂雇用十岁以下的童工。

    The law prevented the employment of children under ten in the cotton mills .

  9. 200名工人在工厂外进行围厂执行罢工。

    200 workers were picketing the factory .

  10. 我的几个兄弟要开办一个汽车修理厂,想让我与他们合伙干。

    My brothers are opening a garage and they want me to go in with them .

  11. 由于未能赢得这份合同,造船厂又遭到了一次惨重的打击。

    The shipyard has been dealt another crushing blow with the failure to win this contract .

  12. 我的车在修理厂呢——这破玩意儿又坏了。

    My car 's at the shop ─ the son of a gun broke down again .

  13. 这些订单将给英国的造船厂注入一线生机。

    The orders will throw a lifeline to Britain 's shipyards .

  14. 原稿已经寄给印刷厂了。

    The manuscript had already been sent off to the printers .

  15. 南希把车开到当地的汽车修理厂检修。

    Nancy took her car to a local garage for a check-up

  16. 贝蒂的第一份工作是在服装厂里当运务员。

    Betty started as a shipping clerk at the clothes factory

  17. 许多人受雇于监狱的木材和金属加工厂。

    Many are employed in the prison 's wood and metalwork factories .

  18. 这种啤酒是查尔斯·威尔斯啤酒厂生产的。

    The beer is brewed at the Charles Wells Brewery .

  19. 他们那些设备都是从曼哈顿一家已经关闭的啤酒厂购买的。

    They bought all their equipment from a defunct brewery in Manhattan .

  20. 该造船厂的造船技术处于世界最前沿。

    This shipyard is at the cutting edge of world shipbuilding technology .

  21. 1991年埃达厂开始逐渐关闭。

    In 1991 the Ada plant began to wind down .

  22. 这家新西兰酿酒厂出产一些最好的澳新葡萄酒。

    This New Zealand winery produces some of the best antipodean wines .

  23. 全国总电量的40%是这家发电厂提供的。

    The plant provides forty per cent of the country 's electricity .

  24. 诺尔玛·琼斯在当地一家化工厂当打包工。

    Norma Jones worked as a packer in a local chemical factory .

  25. 我们不得不变卖东西以偿付啤酒厂的账单。

    We had to sell things off to pay the brewery bill .

  26. 我已经把我的车送到当地汽修厂检修了。

    I had had my car serviced at the local garage

  27. 该地区那座主要的热电厂已被损毁。

    The main thermo power station in the area has been damaged .

  28. 1965年,铸币厂停止向10分硬币中加入银的成分。

    In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes .

  29. 她丈夫在厂里辛勤工作了17年。

    Her husband laboured at the plant for 17 years .

  30. 工厂外的招牌上写着“婴儿乳品厂”。

    The signboard outside the factory read ' baby milk plant ' .