
  • 网络factory original
  1. 对某果汁厂原废水处理工艺存在的问题进行了分析,提出了预处理/内循环厌氧反应器(IC)/UASB/普通活性污泥法的改进工艺。

    The problems existing in original wastewater treatment process of a fruit juice factory were analyzed , and a modified process of pretreatment / IC / UASB / CAS was presented .

  2. 在用量比该厂原用油类消泡剂用量少149%的情况下仍可达到相同的消泡效果,说明消泡剂PGA是这种油类消泡剂的良好的替代产品。

    The same satisfactory defoaming effect was obtained when the dosage was less than the oily defoamer being used in the factory by 14 9 % . This proves that PGA is a good substitute for the original oily defoamer .

  3. 鞍山市锻造制品厂原2座钢球锻造加热炉,烧焦炭,风机能力过大,加之没有排烟烟囱,使炉子四处冒火,吨钢能耗高达200kg焦炭。

    Two reheating furnaces in Anshan Forging Product Works previously used coke as fuel , equipped with fans having more than needed capacity , did not have exhaust chimney and sent out smoke all around with energy consumption per ton steel up to 200 kg coke .

  4. 长沙水泵厂原生产场地位于长沙市中心地区。

    Changsha pump works located at the central urban of Changsha .

  5. 沸石分子筛催化剂及其工艺用于吉化股份有限公司染料厂原异丙苯单元的技术改造是完全可行的。

    The zeolite catalyst process can be applied in the revamping of cumene unit .

  6. 火电厂原煤斗的防堵煤优化设计及有限元分析

    Optimum design for preventing coal clog of coal hopper of main power house and finite element analysis

  7. 概述了首钢第三炼钢厂原用扒渣机存在的问题;

    This article mentions about the existing problems of the old slagging off machine in No.3 steel-making factory of Shougang ;

  8. 开发设计的热管式预腐蚀器,用于替代小氮肥厂原用的普通列管式预腐蚀器。

    The heat tube corrosion guards were developed to replace the tube corrosion guards used in small scale nitrogen fertilizer plants .

  9. 本文通过建立数学模型、使用处理数学问题通用软件包及计算机程序,对饲料配方的优化问题进行探索.从得到的几组优化饲料配方与某饲料厂原生产配方进行分析对比。

    In this paper , feed formulas are researched by establishing mathematic modes , using software package for mathematic problems and computer program .

  10. 本文以武钢为例对冶金厂原水管漏水产生的各种原因进行了具体分析研究。

    Taking Wuhan Iron and Steel Company for example , the work analyzed various reasons of leakage of original water pipes in Metallurgical Plant .

  11. 介绍中国石化中原油田分公司石化总厂原火炬系统酸性气管线易产生积液堵塞现象并分析其原因。

    The causes of refinery flare line leakages were line leakages were analyzed and the cathodic protection techniques were suggested and construction experiences were summarized .

  12. 本文用统计分析方法分析了针织厂原产品质量检验方案,指出了其不合理性;

    In this paper we analyse the quality test plan of original products in the textile factory and point out its unreasonable part by statistical method ;

  13. 文章对常用信息管理系统模型及燃气厂原系统中的问题进行分析后,对燃气厂新的生产管理系统提出了基于.NET架构的一种解决方案。

    Through analysing the general information management system model and the problems in the old system of the gas plant , a solution scheme is put forward .

  14. 通过优化配矿和采取相应的技术措施,在进厂原燃料质量没有改善的情况下,入炉原料质量有所提高。

    Through the optimization of ore proportioning and adopting relative technical measures , the quality of BF burdens was somewhat improved , under the condition of raw materials quality was not improved .

  15. 介绍了布吉河水质净化厂原混凝&沉淀系统改造工程的工艺设计参数、工艺特点、技术经济指标及设计经验。为污水处理厂的改造设计提供了一套可靠的方案。

    The design parameters for the main structure , process characteristics , techno-economic index , and experience with the design were introduced , which supplied an example for wastewater treatment plant reconstruction .

  16. 在分析选钛厂原选钛流程的基础上,对二期选钛工艺流程进行探讨并提出了一些看法。

    On the basis of analysing the original titanium separation flowsheet of the titanium concentrator , opinions and discussions are made on the technological flowsheet of the second phase project of titanium concentrator .

  17. 分析了自来水厂原水藻类污染的形成机理及其对制水的影响,提出了原水藻类污染的防治措施。

    This paper analyzes on the forming mechanism of algae pollution of raw water in water plant and its effect on making water , advances some preventing measures on algae pollution of raw water .

  18. 钦州坭兴工艺厂原是全国轻工业出口创汇先进企业,但由于长期以来的管理不善,加之营销观念陈旧,造成了企业近几年来的连年亏损。

    Qinzhou Ni-xing Arts and Crafts Factory , a once leading enterprise among the national light industries in exporting and earning foreign exchanges , hindered by the inefficient management , has been suffering losses for years successively .

  19. 分析了钢绞线厂原上加热镀锌存在的问题,介绍了采用先进的内加热耐火材料锌锅技术,加强工艺管理,使热镀锌钢丝生产成本降低的方法。

    To analyse the problems of former hot - dip galvanizing line in Tianjin Steel Strands Plant , and introduce advanced internal heating zinc pot and strengthen technological management to reduce the cost of galvanized steel wire .

  20. 针对永平铜矿选矿厂原石灰乳供给系统存在的问题,采取了相应的改进措施,确保了石灰乳的正常供给,取得了良好的效果。

    To counter the existing problems of the lime cream supply system of concentrating mill at Yongping Copper Mine , some relevant modification measures were adopted so as to ensure the normal supply of lime cream , resulting in good effects .

  21. 介绍了采用具有国际领先水平的重介选煤新工艺,对淮南矿业集团选煤厂原跳汰-重介系统进行技术改造时工艺和设备方面的创新。

    Innovation achieved when the former jigging - dense-medium separation system transformed in the technology and equipment by adopting a new and international leading level technology of dense-medium separation in the Coal Preparation Plant of Huainan Mining Group was introduced briefly in this paper .

  22. 本文介绍芦岭阳光能源综合利用有限公司煤矸石发电厂原锅炉人工间断排渣方式的缺陷,浅析风水冷却滚筒式冷渣机干式排渣方式的优点。

    The shortcomings of the method of removing boiler cinder discontinuously by manual labor in power plant of burning coal gangue was introduced and the advantages of the method of cleaning cinder by drum-type cinder cooling machine cooled by wind and water was analyzed .

  23. 分析了某炼油化工废水处理厂原处理工艺存在的问题,提出了利用炼油化工废水作为稀释水综合处理环氧丙烷皂化废水的改造方案。

    By making analysis on the problems existing in original treatment process of a chemical industry wastewater treatment plant , the modification scheme for comprehensive treatment of propylene oxide ( PO ) saponification wastewater by using oil refinery and petrochemical wastewater as dilution water was presented .

  24. 该高效细粒分级设备应用彻底解决了首钢矿山选矿厂原固定细筛分级效率低、流程循环量大和严重制约选矿厂产品质量和磨矿效率提高的问题,取得了良好的经济效益。

    The application of this high efficiency fine classifying equipment has thoroughly solved the problems of low classification efficiency of the original fixed fine screen , great circulation load and serious restrictions on the improvement of the grinding efficiency and product quality , thus achieving good economic benefit .

  25. 湛江发电厂原仿真机没有设置给水系统故障模型,为了提高运行人员处理给水系统故障的能力,在仿真机上进行事故处理演练,对仿真机模型作了相应的改动和设置。

    The original simulator of Zhanjiang Power Plant was not provided with models of feed water system faults . In order to improve the ability of operational personnel to handle faults of feed water system , the simulator model was modified and reset to enable fault handling drill .

  26. 上周该国钢铁厂的原钢产量下降了2.1%。

    Raw-steel production by the nation 's mills decreased 2.1 % last week

  27. PK型环链电动葫芦是我厂从原德国曼内斯曼·德马格公司引进专有技术制造的新一代的产品,具有当代世界先进水平。在国际市场上享有盛誉。

    Type PK Electric Chain Hoist is manufactured after importing the know-how from Mannesmann Demag demag Company in Germany , which enjoys high prestige in the world market .

  28. 试谈进厂大宗原燃料的质量管理

    Talking About Quality Management of Big Batch Fuel

  29. 本厂是原国家煤炭部定点的老厂。

    This company is a long-history factory fixed by China Ministry of Coal and Carbon .

  30. 浙江省天台县依然工艺厂(原天台县坦头飞虹工艺品厂)创办于1997年。

    Zhejiang Province Tiantai County Tantou Feihong Handicraft factory and Tiantai County Yiran Handicraft factory were separativily organized in1997,2009 .