
  1. 张庚戏曲美学思想研究

    A Study of Zhang Geng 's Thought of Drama Aesthetics

  2. 张庚致力于中国戏曲艺术的现代化和戏曲美学思想的建构是有曲折的。

    Zhang Geng devoted himself to the modernization of the art of traditional Chinese operas as well as the construction of its aesthetics .

  3. 张庚虽然对周贻白的戏曲美学思想有很高的评价,但他对中国戏曲艺术审美特征所作出的判断却并没有将周贻白“空场子”的思想加以充分的吸纳和深入的阐述。

    Although Zhang Geng have given higher appraisal to Zhou Yibai 's aesthetic thought , he hasn 't absorbed and explained the Empty Place in his judgment on Chinese opera 's aesthetic characteristics .

  4. 张庚对于话剧的民族化工作所作出的最大贡献,就在于他认识到中国话剧的民族化工作必须走大众化之路,而大众化又需要以学习和借鉴传统戏曲艺术的旧形式为前提条件。

    Zhang Geng 's most contribution to the nationalization of modern drama is that he thought the nationalization of modern drama must be popularized and the popularization need study and make use of the " old form " of the traditional opera .