
  1. 我们得先去看看那张真的。

    We 'll need to see the real one .

  2. 他看起来真&噢,这张真不错。

    He looks really & oh , that 's such a good one .

  3. 下面这几张真的是我超喜欢的。

    The next several are really my favorite .

  4. 这是一张真的钞票。

    This is an actual bill .

  5. 这张照片真是难看得要死。

    This is such a flipping horrible picture .

  6. 然而Jezebel网站的罗拉贝克说:这张照片真的引发了我的共鸣。

    However Laura Beck of Jezebel said : ' This picture really resonates with me .

  7. 事实上,很多人对这张专辑真可谓望穿秋水,一如像其等待U2的其他各张专辑那样。

    A lot of people have been waiting a long time for this album as they do with every U2 album .

  8. 我买了五张,真希望能中奖。

    I bought five . I hope I win .

  9. 哪个?那个丑女?那张脸真是惨不忍睹,跟你有一拼了。

    That skank ? Her face is almost as ugly as your mug .

  10. 这张合影真不错

    It 's a great photo of us .

  11. 好喜欢这张,真的非常好!

    Very nice ! Where is the location ?

  12. 张将军真是足智多谋啊!

    General Zhang is real wise and resourceful .

  13. 这张唱片真是老古董了。

    This record is a real oldie .

  14. 那张支票真是天赐之物。

    That check was a real godsend .

  15. 这张沙发真舒服啊!

    How comfortable the sofa is !

  16. 这张照片真有意思!

    What an interesting picture !

  17. 但是一些句子或者一两张照片真的能取代亲眼看见朋友的喜悦吗?

    But can a few sentences , or a photo or two , really take the place of seeing a friend in person ?

  18. 我的公主小戴好了再来一张我真高兴你终于要去城里过这个夜晚但我也有点伤心因为你今年不会带多莉特去“不给糖就捣乱”了

    My little princess Di . Okay , one more . Well , I 'm glad you 're finally getting a night out on the town , but I am a little sad that you won 't be taking Dorrit trick-or-treating this year .

  19. genuine真实的photoshoppedp图过的staged摆拍的她的一些朋友声称这张照片是真的。

    Some of her friends claimed that the photo is genuine .

  20. 很可惜那个店子里面的东西没有一样和Engadget或者其母公司有关(如果这张照片是真的,不是出自photoshop或者恶作剧)。

    Too bad it 's absolutely not affiliated with Engadget or its parent companies ( if it is , in fact , real , and not a photoshop or hoax ) .

  21. 你需要找人证明这张照片是真的。

    You need to get someone to authenticate the photograph .

  22. 您给我这张票,真是太好了。

    It is very kind of you to give me the ticket .

  23. 他那张脸我真想打它一拳。

    He has a face I 'd like to punch .

  24. 但是计算机分析显示这张图是真的。

    But the computer analysis says it 's kosher .

  25. 他的那张画画的真逼真。

    This painting of his is true to life .

  26. 我只看到了一张我觉得真的真的值得一秀

    I just saw one that I thought that was really really worth showing

  27. 现在看这张照片我真是不知道说什么是好

    Now when I look at it , I don 't even know what to say .

  28. 那大地,像一张琴,真因着我双足的踏触而颤成诗歌么?

    Does the earth , like a harp , shiver into songs with the touch of my feet ?

  29. 好,从这个角度再照一张。还真没见过这麽诡异的玩意儿。

    OK , now take a picture from this angle . This is truly a freak of nature .

  30. 如果有理由相信这张钞票不是真的,那么对我们来说必定还有其它辨别的特征。

    If there is reason to believe that a bill is not real , there are other signs to us , though .