
  • 网络zhang jiuling;zhang ju ling
  1. 灵山多秀色,空水共氤氲。(张九龄《湖口望庐山瀑布泉》)

    The mountains in beauty dressed stand awed by that magical sight , | of the wedding of heaven and earth in a waterfall 's headlong flight .

  2. 张九龄是怎么写出来的?

    How did Zhang Jiuling write so well ?

  3. 并且在本部分也谈到了张说、张九龄二人在文化事业方面的贡献。

    And in this part also talks about Er Zhang 's great contribution to the culture .

  4. 意象与诗歌翻译&从张九龄《自君之出矣》三种英译谈起

    Image and Poetry Translation

  5. 张九龄的命运和大唐国运息息相关,张九龄罢相标志着唐玄宗开始走向昏庸,大唐国运开始走向衰败。

    His dismissal signaled the beginning of Emperor Xuanzong s fatuity and the decline of the great Tang Empire .

  6. 在此过程中,文儒集团代表人物张说与张九龄成为关键人物。

    In this procession , Zhang yue and Zhang jiu ling were the essential character as the representative personage of " Wen ru " .

  7. 论张九龄诗歌中的乡愁及其文化意蕴高校学生作为校园文学作者,其创作多以爱情与乡愁为主题,并以网络写作为时尚。

    As the authors of campus literature , college students mostly take love stories and homesickness as the motifs of their creative works , and regard the cyber writing as the trend towards campus literature .