
  • Industrial and mining land;land for mining and industry
  1. 居民点及工矿用地面积的变化与GDP、社会消费品零售总额和财政收入正相关。

    The changes in residential and industrial area and GDP , the total retail sales of consumer goods and financial income are related .

  2. 森林景观嵌块体密度和分离度按I、II和III区的顺序依次增加,耕地、园地和居民工矿用地则分别依次减少。

    The density and isolation of landscape mosaic patches increased along the rank of I , II and III , while the contrary results were detected in cropland , orchard land and residential and mining land .

  3. 居民点及工矿用地、交通用地增加速度较快;

    Residential plot , diggings region and traffic land enhanced rapidly .

  4. 人口密度与耕地、居住工矿用地的分布呈正相关;

    Population density is positive to farm land ratio and that of building land ratio .

  5. 地形坡度与林地、灌丛地的分布呈正相关,与居住、工矿用地的分布呈负相关;

    Slope is positive to forest land ratio and shrub land ratio , while negative to that of building land .

  6. 耕地、园地、居民点及工矿用地和水域的均匀度较高,多样性指数较大,但破碎化程度较高。

    Agricultural land , garden land , residential land and water area had the higher evenness , higher diversity and higher fragmentation .

  7. 土地景观格局中,耕地在减少,居民点及工矿用地、交通用地在增大。

    The plow land decrease rapidly , whereas the transportation land and the residential and industrial mining land increase rapidly about land landscape patterns .

  8. 15年间,随着耕地的减少和工矿用地的增加,其景观结构发生了较大的变化。

    In 15 years , with the reduction of farmlands , industrial and mining lands increase , the landscape has also been changed a lot .

  9. 城镇村及工矿用地增加的来源比较多样;交通用地增加的主要来源为水域及水利设施用地。

    Urban village and industrial land increased from relatively diverse ; traffic sites to increase the main source of water and water facilities for the land .

  10. 居民点及工矿用地的生态系统服务价值为负值,对区域生态系统服务价值是负面影响。

    The ecosystem service value of residential areas and industrial estate were negative , thus the influence on region value of ecosystem service was also negative .

  11. 在城市化进程中,建设用地迅速扩张的现象非常突出,成都市交通用地和居民点及工矿用地每年分别以5.22%和3.46%的速度迅速增长。

    In Chengdu , the traffic land and the residential and industrial land increase rapidly at the speeds of 5.22 % and 3.46 % respectively every year .

  12. 北京、天津、广东、上海等省(市)城镇用地扩展面积来源多元化,包括农村居民点、独立工矿用地等。

    In Beijing , Tianjin , Guangdong and Shanghai the land source of urban expansion was multiple and the conversion from rural settlements and construction land dominated .

  13. 人类经济活动的影响,大量耕地转化为非农业用地,耕地的主要去向是居民点及工矿用地、交通用地。

    Because of the effect of human being activity , a great deal of infield was transformed into non-infield , residential and industrial area , traffic utilization .

  14. 其中交通用地增长最快,其次是居民点及工矿用地,而耕地面积减少最快并且减少程度加剧。

    One of the fastest growing site traffic , followed by residential and industrial land , and arable land and reduce the degree of reduction increased the fastest .

  15. 城镇村工矿用地即非农业用地占22.4%,比例较大,说明城市和工业建设占用了大部分土地;

    In contrast , a high percentage of 22.4 % of land was occupied by residential and industrial plants , indicating sharp increase in industrial and urban construction .

  16. 园地、林地、居民点及工矿用地、交通用地和水利设施用地面积增加。

    Garden Plot , woodland , the residential area , the industry and mining land , the transportation land and the water resource facilities land will be increased .

  17. 由此定义土地利用城镇化指数(LUUI)为:(城镇+工矿用地+交通用地)/农村居民点。

    So the land use urbanization index can be defined : ( city and town area + industry and mining area + transportation area ) / rural residential area .

  18. 研究结果为:(1)2000-2009年,耕地和居民点及工矿用地在郫县土地利用结构中占据主导地位。

    The findings are : ( 1 ) From2000to2009 , in Pi County , the arable land , residential land and industrial land were the dominant ways of land use .

  19. 同时研究发现,这个时期各植被类型向城镇村及工矿用地的转移率及贡献率均明显高于上一研究期。

    And it was also found that the transfer rate and contribution rate of the vegetation cover type turning into the residential land in 2000-2007 had been higher than in 1988-2000.4 .

  20. 北京市建成区的扩展面积中,54.34%来自于农村居民点和独立工矿用地及其他建设用地,43.57%来自于水田、旱地等耕地。

    The increased built-up area originated from different land use type , of which about 54.34 % converted from rural area and dependent factory , diggings land and other construction area .

  21. 结果表明,石壁水库流域径流量随林地覆盖率增加而减少,具体表现为:工矿用地住宅用地耕地林地。

    The results showed that the Shibi reservoir watershed runoff had been decreasing with the increase of forest coverage , which displayed specifically as follows : mining land Urban Land land forestland .

  22. 经济因素对本区的主要影响表现为煤矿、铁矿的开采将原有的土地利用类型转变为城镇村及工矿用地或其他用地。

    Economic factors , the main influence on the performance of this area as coal , iron ore mining will change the existing land use for urban villages and mining sites or other sites .

  23. 同时构建了建设用地下一级地类&城镇用地、农村居民点用地、独立工矿用地和交通运输用地的节约集约利用评价指标体系。

    Besides , the evaluation indexes system of economical and intensive utilization of underground level of land for construction use-urban land , rural residential land , independent industrial and mining land and transport land .

  24. 土地利用变化的动态度由大到小依次为:城镇村及工矿用地交通运输用地林地草地耕地水域及水利设施用地其他用地。2、土地利用程度稳中有降。

    Degree of land use change dynamics in decreasing order : Urban village and industrial land land of transport woodland lawn farmland water and water facilities other land . 2 Land use degree flat to down .

  25. 耕地减少的主要流向是居民点及工矿用地,占46.06%;其次是农业结构内部调整及水域和交通等用地。

    The main decrease flow of cultivated land was residential and industrial land , the rate was 46.06 % ; the subsequent flow was the change of agricultural frame , water plot and traffic land et al .

  26. 两条廊道内1988-2007年间的主要土地利用类型有:有林地、灌木林、橡胶地、茶园、旱地、水田、水域、居民点及工矿用地8种类型。

    There were eight main land use types in the two AECC from 1988 to 2007 : forest , shrub land , rubber , tea garden , dry land , paddy field , water body , and built-up .

  27. 林地土地利用动态度为0.9%,但变化的总量较大;城乡居民建筑用地和交通工矿用地动态度高,居民地的动态度为各土地利用动态度中最高,达到5.4%。

    The rate of change dynamic of woodland is 0.9 % , but the change gross is great . It is the residential land that is the highest one of all change rates , which is 5.4 % .

  28. 为此,项目组提出了8项战略性建议:土地利用的总体应当是耕地总量不再增加,林、草、湿地不再减少,城市和工矿用地合理控制;

    The author brings forward eight strategic proposals : not increasing the total area of arable land , not decreasing the area of forest , grassland and wetland , and rationally controlling the land for urban and industrial use ;

  29. 优化结果是到2020年,城镇用地为6320公顷,农村居民点用地为17015公顷,独立工矿用地为3421公顷,城乡建设用地总计26757公顷。

    The optimization results is by 2020 , and urban land for residential areas is 6,320 hectares , rural residential land is 17,015 hectares , independent mining land is 3,421 hectares . Total urban and rural construction land 26,757 hectares .

  30. 结果表明,景观类型面积比例分别为:耕地38%、水域23%、林地17%、农村居民点与交通工矿用地13%、城镇用地9%,景观异质性高,景观类型聚集度适中。

    The results showed that proportions of cultivated land , water area , woodland , land for rural residents and transportation and industries , urban land were 38 % , 23 % , 17 % , 13 % , 9 % respectively .