
  1. 工作跟踪:工作任务的所有者始终在工作跟踪列表里跟踪零件存在的问题。

    Work Tracking : Workpack owners always track running issues regarding parts within a work tracking list .

  2. 分配给他的工作是跟踪这个间谍。

    His assignment was to follow the spy .

  3. 新的TFS示例中提供提供了一个样例:如何在TeamExplorer中创建一个进行工作单元跟踪的定制控件。

    This new TFS sample provides an example of creating Work Item Tracking custom controls that work within Team Explorer .

  4. 安排测试员的各项测试工作,跟踪测试结果。

    Arrange job duties for testers keep tracking on testing result .

  5. 挖掘机器人工作轨迹跟踪智能控制

    Intelligent Control of Trajectory Tracking of a Robotic Excavator

  6. 那次是你在我工作室外跟踪我。

    Only because you stalk me outside my studio .

  7. 通过减少地面系统日常的轨道确定工作和跟踪任务,自主导航可以简化航天器的地面系统。

    Autonomous navigation will simplify ground system on spacecraft tracking and routine orbit determination .

  8. 它可以发现服务、为定单安排筹集资金和装运工作以及跟踪定单情况。

    It could discover and arrange financing and shipping for orders , and track order status .

  9. 有关如何修改工作项跟踪插件的更多信息,请参见工作项跟踪。

    For more information about how to modify the work item tracking plug-in , see work item tracking .

  10. 功能拉模型需要高级的版本控制系统,支持集成工作项跟踪。

    The feature pull model all but requires an advanced source control system that supports integrated work item tracking .

  11. 世界级的大公司会做非常周详的计划,对每件工作进行跟踪检查以便及时采取纠正措施并按进度表运行

    World-Class companies do excellent planning , always perform checks that enable to take corrective action and stay on schedule

  12. 提供指向以下主题的链接,这些主题论述的可扩展团队协作服务器用于提供工作项跟踪、源代码管理、报告和流程指南等功能。

    Provides links to topics discussing an extensible team collaboration server that provides work item tracking , source control , reporting , and process guidance .

  13. 首先,通过查阅文献,总结了国内外主要研究机构的工作,跟踪了该方向的最新进展。

    Firstly , the main work in and abroad is summarized by reading lots of articles and the latest progress in this realm is followed .

  14. 例如,工作项跟踪插件设置新团队项目的工作项类型、查询和初始工作项。

    For example , the work item tracking plug-in sets up work item types , queries , and initial work items for a new team project .

  15. 方法是,先将目标转角序列输入微机,利用微机控制的电液伺服驱动系统,使工作转角跟踪目标转角,实现轨迹控制。

    As process , the target slewing angles are subsequently imput into micro computer first , the micro computer then controlled electro-hydraulic servo system , the tracking of the working angle to the target angle , is realized , thus affecting the trajectory control .

  16. 试验结果表明,比例-模糊PID控制能够确保电液位置伺服系统稳定工作和快速跟踪。

    Experiment results show that the proportion-fuzzy PID control ensures the Electro-hydraulic position servo system to work steadily and track rapidly .

  17. 类似的一个确认是发生在当事件记录进入Closed状态的时候,因为质量保证小组可能创建一个新的工作请求来跟踪他们工作进度。

    A similar validation happens when the incident record is being moved into the Closed state since the Quality Assurance team may create a new work request to track their work effort .

  18. 团队针对所有开发工作项创建跟踪单,并为sprint生成(在其他报表之中的)burndown图表。

    The team created tracking tickets for all development work items and generated burndown charts ( among other reports ) for the sprints .

  19. 奥罗拉副总裁史密斯(DavidSmith)博士称,基于对睡眠和工作习惯的跟踪调查,奥罗拉发现参加失眠治疗课程的学员平均每人节省了672美元的生产力。

    Based on follow-up surveys that asked about both sleep and work habits , Aurora sees an average of $ 672 in productivity savings per participant in the insomnia module , said Dr. David Smith , an Aurora vice president .

  20. 鞍形机工作原理及其跟踪精度

    Saddle Joint Machine & Its Tracking Accuracy

  21. 每一次更改都通过标识谁进行了更改和何时更改的工作命令进行跟踪。

    Each change is tracked through the work order identifying who made the change and when .

  22. 跟踪工作项的跟踪组件。

    Traces work item tracking components .

  23. 本文的工作为目标跟踪中遮挡推断研究开辟了一条崭新的道路。

    The work presented in this paper opened a new research direction for occlusion inference in target tracking .

  24. 例如,您可以为事件创建注册工作表或者跟踪日历上的工作组事件。

    For example , you can create a sign-up sheet for an event or track team events on a calendar .

  25. 说明创建不同类型工作项以跟踪需要完成的工作的步骤。

    Explains the steps to create different types of work items to track the work that needs to be done .

  26. 个案跟踪报告包括接案、案主背景、工作计划、跟踪记录、结案、评估等内容。

    Case tracking report including receive case , director background , work plan , tracking records , the case , evaluation , etc.

  27. 提出一种基于刚度分段线性动力吸振器的半主动振动控制策略,通过调节弹性元件的间隙实现吸振器工作频率连续跟踪外激励频率的变化。

    Presented in this paper is a semi active vibration control strategy based on the vibration absorber with adjustable clearance in elastic component .

  28. 负责组织衍生产品专业化工作小组,跟踪国内外衍生产品业务风险及监管的动态变化,撰写研究报告。

    Organizing a professional team of derivative products , following domestic and international development of risk and supervision of derivative products , and drafting research reports .

  29. 最后一步是将您的所有这些发现整合到一个正式的具有确定指标的风险管理计划,并每周在工作空间中跟踪顶级风险。

    The final step is to formalize your findings into a risk management plan with established metrics , and track the top risks on your workspace week by week .

  30. 通过对各个位置的垂直角焊缝进行焊接跟踪实验,结果表明,系统工作稳定,跟踪精度满足垂直角焊缝的焊接要求。

    The experimental result of welding vertical fillet joint at every position shows that the automatic seam tracking system is steady and the seam tracking precision is satisfied with the welding request of vertical fillet joint .