
  • 网络critique of instrumental reason
  1. 工具理性批判是现代性批判的重要组成部分,在某种意义上现代性批判就是对启蒙理性的批判。

    Critique of instrumental reason is a main component of critique of modernity . The critique of modernity , in some sense , is the critique of Enlightenment reason , to which many creative thinkers pay special attention .

  2. 对《启蒙辩证法》中工具理性批判思想的批判

    Critique of the Critique of Instrumental Reason in Dialectics of Enlightenment

  3. 霍克海默工具理性批判解析

    An Analysis of Horkheimer 's Critical Theory on Instrumental Reason

  4. 中国视域下的工具理性批判&来自制度构建视角的分析

    Critique of Instrumental Rationality in View of Chinese Reality & Analysis Viewed from the Construction of System

  5. 从工具理性批判到功能理性批判&批判理论的一个重要转向

    From Critique of Instrumental Rationality to Critique of Functional Rationality : An Important Turn of the Critical Theory

  6. 从中国社会发展现状出发进行工具理性批判是工具理性批判理性化的内在要求。

    It is an inherent demand of the rationalization for the critique of instrumental rationality to make the critique of instrumental rationality based on the development of Chinese society .

  7. 正确评价科学主义的得与失&论法兰克福学派的工具理性批判属于、关于或具有理性主义特征的。

    A Sound Evaluation of Gain and Loss from Scientism & On the view of instrumental rational criticism held by the school of Frankfurd ; of or relating to or characteristic of rationalism .

  8. 该文从意识形态批判、工具理性批判以及大众文化批判三个方面,分析了隐藏在批判理论里面的霍克海默的教育哲学观。

    This article tries to analyze Horkheimer 's Educational Philosophy , which was hidden in his critical theory , by means of the critique of ideology , the critique of instrumental reason and the critique of mass culture .

  9. 霍克海默对工具理性的批判,揭开了资本主义批判史上的新篇章。

    Horkheimer 's critical theory on instrumental reason opens a new chapter in the history of capitalistic criticism .

  10. 对工具理性的批判始终是法兰克福学派批判理论的重要内容,哈贝马斯无疑继承了这一传统。

    The critique of instrumental reason is always the main issue of Frankfurt School , which has been undoubtedly inherited by Habermas as a tradition of Critical Theory .

  11. 批判理论在对工具理性的批判研究过程中走向对理性的瓦解式研究,其中反体系与反同一性是核心。

    Critical theory becomes into the research of " disruption " in the process of researching on the instrument rationality . The core of this is anti-oneness and anti-system .

  12. 早期著作中对教育领导工具理性的批判、对教育管理主体意识的研究,已经预示了道德领导作为教育领导理论基础的可能性。

    The possibility for Moral Leadership to be the base of educational leadership theory has been indicated in his early works about the instrumentalism criticism of educational leadership and the study on the subjective consciousness of educational administration .

  13. 这一理论对传统实证主义的研究范式进行了深刻的批判,对资本主义社会中的工具理性进行了批判,并重建了交往理性。第二章:社会批判课程的目标。

    This theory criticizes the traditional research paradigm of positivism and " instrumental rationality " in capitalism society , and regenerates " communicative rationality " . Chapter two : Objectives of Socio-Critical curriculum .

  14. 这里马尔库塞的论述是在第一章关于现代性问题的理论依据基础上阐述的,着眼于马尔库塞结合资本主义发达工业社会发展的新形势,对工具理性展开深入批判来进行论述。

    Described in the first chapter on the basis of the theoretical basis of modern issues discussed Marcuse Marcuse looks at the new situation combined with the development of capitalism in advanced industrial society , expand in-depth critique of instrumental rationality to discuss .

  15. 反人类中心主义:工具理性与市场逻辑批判&《启蒙辩证法》中的一条逻辑主线

    Anti-human-centrism : A Critique of Instrumental Rationality and Market Logic & The Mainline Logic in Enlightenment Dialectics