
  • 网络Rational Action;reasoned action;purposive-rational action
  1. 村落生活:理性行动的建构

    Village Life : Construction of Rational Action

  2. 理性行动理论是社会学中一种极富解释力的理论体系。

    The rational action theory ( the rational choice theory ) is a kind of theoretical system with great explaining power in sociology .

  3. 自我效能;理性行动论;

    Self-efficacy of Social Learning Theory ;

  4. 正是因为不同利益群体理性行动的互动,其实施的分配规则也随之变化。

    Because of the interaction of rational behaviors among different interest groups , distribution principles of implementation vary according to different interaction .

  5. 与离婚有关的理论研究也比较丰富,其中科尔曼的理性行动理论是一个典型的代表。

    There are so many theoretic studies concerned about the divorces . One of typical representatives is Coleman Theory of Rational Actions .

  6. 实践中征地补偿不公平的原因及后果基于理性行动的征地补偿款村级分配研究

    The Cause of the Unfair Compensation in Making a Requisition of Land and Its Consequence Research on the Village-level Distribution of Expropriated Payments Base on the Rational Behavior

  7. 接下来文章构建起基于理性行动理论的目标-行动分析框架,并以此对乡村合流成因作了剖析。

    On the basis of " Rational Action Theory ", an analysis framework of " Purpose-Action " is proposed to explain the cause of " Governance Cahoots " .

  8. 从农民个体理性行动导致集体非理性行为的影响因素来看,要实现农民环境保护,解决农村的环境问题应该从有效的社会控制层面入手。

    Secondly , considering that the individual rational actions of farmers lead to non-rational collective behaviors , the rural environmental protection should start from the angle of social control .

  9. 主体理性行动是人工智能的核心目标之一,本文介绍和分析了已有的相关工作,然后提出了新的看待这个问题的思路。

    Agent acting rationally is one of the central goals in Artificial Intelligence . In this paper , we analyze related works and propose a novel approach for this problem .

  10. 这种帮助和限制体现了费孝通先生差序格局的概念,理性行动不是只考虑到利益,这种行动更多是受其所在社会文化的影响。

    The help and restrict reflect " Differential Mode of Order " by Mr. Fei . Rational action not only about interest , this action is more influenced by society and culture .

  11. 本文试图用这一理论来对一个村落生活的建构过程进行解释,并用社会生活的现实场景来检视理性行动理论的解释力和适用范围。

    This paper tries to use this theory to explain the construction process of a village life , and inspect the explaining power and scope of application of the rational action theory with the realistic scene of social life .

  12. 本文的结论是:(1)定州的土地冲突中,开发商最有可能的策略是按程序进行,村民最有可能的策略是采用非理性行动,地方政府最有可能的策略是支持经济发展。

    The conclusion of this paper : ( 1 ) The most possible tactic of developer is follow the procedure , the most possible tactic of peasant is unreasonable tactic , the most possible tactic of local government is to support economical development , in Dingzhou land conflict .

  13. 第二种可能性是,吸烟者是一些无助的傀儡,他们不会理性地行动,会支付任何价格购买香烟。

    A second possibility is that , rather than acting rationally , smokers are helpless puppets who will pay any price for a smoke .

  14. 个人化传播从技术上打破了专业媒体组织的话语垄断,具有高度自由、开放的特征,却也容易引发非制度性参与和非理性化行动。

    Individualized communication breaks monopolization of specialty media , it features as extreme open and free , while it tends to bring non-institutionalized participation and irrational action as well .

  15. 这些行动方式和策略具体可以概括为:非正式关系网的建构、关系理性的行动策略及关系权威的生成,这种非正式的关系网就是隐藏于正式结构之下的并实际起作用的行动结构。

    These ways and the strategies can be summarized as : the unofficial tie network construction , the action strategy of guanxi ration and the grow of guanxi anthority . The unofficial tie network is hidden under the official structure and has actual effect .

  16. 理性行动者的行动抉择与村民委员会选举制度的实施

    Behavior Choice of the Rationalist and the Practice of Electoral System of Villager Committee

  17. 此外,计算人类活动的代价也能让我们更理性地规划行动重点。

    Pricing the toll of human activity also allows us to prioritise our actions more rationally .

  18. 作为一种合作性的亲社会利益行动,社会支持拥有四种基础性规则:道德利他的行动规则、亲情为他的行动规则、理性互惠的行动规则、习俗互助的行动规则。

    As a kind of cooperative action beneficial to social interests , social support has four basic rules : morally altruism , family love and service for others , reciprocally benefit , custom and mutual help in action .

  19. 人类理性是因为他们行动是有理由的。

    Humans are rational because they act for reasons .

  20. 透过“看不见的手”的隐喻,斯密揭示出市场经济的本质:一定约束之下,基于理性个体的自由行动自发建构并演进扩展而出的经济秩序。

    By his well-known metaphor " invisible hand ", Adam Smith reveals the essence of market economy - economic order that is spontaneously constructed and evolved on the bases of freedom of individuals under certain constraint .

  21. 技术理性实践理性反思理性行动研究在体育师资教育中的应用

    Professional Ration-Practical Ration-Reflective Ration-The Application of Action Study in PE Teachers ' Training

  22. 外汇投机者理性、非理性的集体投机行动,都可以对汇率产生重大影响;

    Both reasonable and unreasonable collective speculations of foreign exchange speculators can exert significant influence on exchange rate ;

  23. 因为尽管现代性承认人的理性并要求人合乎理性地思考和行动,但不同的人会不同地理解理性,并且不同地运用理性,结果只能导致现代性及其合理性的自我瓦解和否定。

    In our opinion , human reason and its conception of rationality are not only the bases of modernity but also the causes that weaken and negate modernity itself .

  24. 此外,理性运动还借鉴了那些提出投资者总是不理性地行动的经济学家所借鉴的部分研究。

    The movement draws on some of the same research as economists who argue that investors behave irrationally .

  25. 理性训练真能教会我们一天比一天更理性地行动吗?

    Can rationality exercises actually teach us to act more rational day to day ?

  26. 艺术家所着力描述的喜剧社会是一个有理性、有爱心、充满欢乐和同情心的人的社会。这种人乐于承担由于理性地行动而引起的风险。

    The comic community to which artists address themselves is a community of reasoning , loving , joyful , compassionate beings , who are willing to assume the human risks of acting rationally .