
  • 网络Li Shi;fibrous gypsum;dispose of the rockery
  1. GPRS业务的推出使得这一难题迎刃而解。海尔微第带的推覆构造、复理石沉积、华力西地块;

    General Packet Radio Service ( GPRS ) puts the axe in the helve . nappe structure , flysch deposit , Hercynian massif in the Helve-tides ;

  2. 弧前复理石至少可细分为三个巨层序,从宽阔而切割较深的粗粒水道充填物开始,而以半远洋泥灰岩(沉积于碳酸盐补偿深度CCD之上)和黑色页岩告终。

    The forearc flysch may be subdivided into at least three mega-sequences , which begin with wide and relatively deeply cut , coarse-grained channel fills and end with hemipelagic marls ( deposited above the CCD ) and dark shales .

  3. 印支期出现早期前陆盆地海相复理石沉积,由于早印支运动使T2砂泥岩揉褶成山,晚期前陆盆地夭折。

    The marine flysch deposition of early foreland basin appeared in Indosinian ; owing to early Indosinian movement the sand mudstones ( T 2 ) were folded into mountains , which made the late foreland basin be withered away ;

  4. 在巴颜喀拉山群中发现遗迹化石33属54种,为深海Nereites遗迹相的典型代表,反映出复理石相深水沉积特征;

    33 genera and 54 species of trace fossil have been discovered in the Bayan Har Shan Group , and they are typical representatives of the abyssal Nereites ichnofacies , reflecting the features of the flysch facies deep-water sedimentary environment .

  5. 下去的时候别砸坏了理石拼花。

    Please don 't break the terrazzo floor when you land .

  6. 海尔微第带的推覆构造、复理石沉积、华力西地块;

    Nappe structure , flysch deposit , Hercynian massif in the Helve-tides ;

  7. 西秦岭造山带中三叠统复理石相研究

    A Study on Middle Triassic Flysch Facies in West Qinling Orogenic Belt

  8. 川西复理石区填图方法的新进展

    New progress in the method of mapping of flysch areas in western Sichuan

  9. 浙西上奥陶统复理石韵律的马尔可夫链模拟

    Markov chain simulation on flysch rhythmic sequences of the upper Ordovician in West Zhejiang

  10. 赣西南早古生代复理石地层的沉积相、环境和旋回

    Sedimentary facies , environments and cycles of the Early Paleozoic flysch in Southwest Jiangxi

  11. 川西雅江晚三叠世复理石盆地砂岩特征

    Features of Sandstone in the Yajiang Flysch Basin in West Sichuan in the Late Triassic

  12. 复理石的沉积作用发育在裂陷盆地年青底板上的看法被广泛接受。

    The deposition of flysch onto the young floors of chiasmic basins is widely accepted as certain .

  13. 南极利文斯顿岛晚三叠世复理石相遗迹化石

    Trace fossils in flysch facies in the Miers bluff formation ( late triassic ), Livingston island , Antarctica

  14. 这些构造为复理石盆地的动态演化研究提供了新的证据。

    Thus , the syn-sedimentary compression structures can provide new evidences and constraints on the dynamic evolution of flysch basins .

  15. 矿床赋存在此沉积建造的下部层位,以含碳、钙质复理石建造为其主要的成矿建造,岩石具有碳-钙-泥质沉积岩高频叠置组合。

    The gold deposit exist in the below layer of sediment formation , and carbon - bearing , calcium-bearing flysch formation .

  16. 福鼎南溪石炭系复理石建造的发现对认识浙闽沿海中生代火山岩基底大地构造性质的意义

    The discovery of the flysch formation in Nanxi village , fuding County along the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal region and its Geotectonic Significance

  17. 在广东东部是一套陆相沉积火山岩复理石建造。松潘甘孜印支地槽西康群复理石建造沉积特征及其大地构造背景

    The sedimentary features of the flysh formation of the Xikang Group in the Indosinian songpan & garze geosyncline and its geotectonic setting

  18. 白云岩理石(汉白玉)粉产品概况及供货情况简介白云岩粉是我公司的主要产品之一。

    Brief Introduction of the White marble White marble powder is one of our major products made by Yingkou Shenlong Stone Products Co.

  19. 大别山北部的变质复理石推覆体属华北大陆板块南部的盖层推覆体,主要包括佛子岭群和卢镇关群。

    The meta flysch nappe in the north part of the Dabie Mountains is composed of the Foziling Group and Luzhenguan Group .

  20. 礼岷前陆盆地经历了早期深海&半深海的复理石沉积阶段和晚期陆相磨拉石沉积阶段。

    The Lixian-Minxian foreland basin undertook abyssal-bathyal flysch deposition at its earlier evolution stage and continental molasse stage at its later evolution stage .

  21. 九五期间四川西康群区区调的实践也证明,在造山带复理石区填图中,海底扇法是一种比层序地层学更可行、更有效、更直观的方法。

    The practical application of this method in the orogenic belt in the western Sichuan has been proved to be feasible and effective .

  22. 变质复理石推覆体中岩石变形强烈,但不同地段变形程度不等。

    The rocks in the meta flysch nappe are intensely deformed , but the grade of deformation differs somewhat from place to place .

  23. 该中压变质带与西侧三叠系复理石的低压过渡型区域动力热流变带及区域动力变质带相伴生。

    This intermediate-pressure metamorphic belt is associated with low-pressure transitional regional dynamothermal metamorphic belt and regional dynamic metamorphic belt in Triassic flysch to its west .

  24. 家具、乐器、木材、铁、铝、不锈钢、钢铁、造船厂、汽车、玻璃、理石等。

    Furniture , instrument , wood , iron , aluminium , stainless steel , iron and steel , shipyard , automobile , glass , reason stone wait .

  25. 通常,滚边开叉口袋是一种理石装饰品,帽边口袋是附在口袋外延的附加材料。

    Flap pockets are additional fabric on covering the outside of the pocket opening . A high quality pocket allows both a slit pocket and flap pocket .

  26. 砂岩的常量元素分析结果表明,大部分砂岩为杂砂岩,属于复理石盆地的浊积岩范畴;

    The analysis of constant elements in the sandstone indicates that the majority of sandstones are composed of greywacke , belonging to the turbidite in a flysch basin .

  27. 群系有着火山碎屑类复理石层序特征,此层序沉积于活动大陆边缘,在那里沉积酌只会遇到弱岩浆活动。

    The formation has the character of a volcaniclastic flyschoid sequence deposited on an active continental margin where the sedimentation was accompanied by only a weak magmatic activity .

  28. 重建的地层层序和沉积地质特征显示巴颜喀拉盆地主体三叠系复理石沉积是周缘前陆盆地。

    The stratigraphic sequences and sedimentological characteristics indicate that the main body of Bayan Har Basin is composed of Triassic flysch sediments deposited in a foreland basin during Triassic .

  29. 复理石沉积中夹较多的玄武岩,这与现代洋底不同,而与岛弧蛇绿岩层序有相似之处,代表早期初始洋盆型洋壳的残块;

    The flysch , with some basalts , is difference from modern ocean , but similar to arc-ophiolite sequence , represents relics of ocean crust in early ocean basin .

  30. 楚雄盆地位于云南省的中部,为一中生代的前陆盆地,其沉积可划分为前陆复理石和前陆磨拉石两个阶段。

    The Chuxiong Basin is a Mesozoic foreland basin in central Yunnan . The sediments in the basin may fall into two subtypes : foreland flysch and foreland molasse .