
  • 网络Theoretical term
  1. 文化语境改变是笔墨语义问题产生的重要原因。理论术语使用的规范化是解决笔墨之争的前提。

    The standardization of theoretical term uses is the premise to solve the debate over brush and ink .

  2. 直到哈罗德·布鲁姆在《影响的焦虑》中首次提出误读的概念并作为理论术语来运用,误读才开始具有正面的意义。

    It was until Harold Bloom first brought forward his definition of misreading in his The Anxiety of Influence and used it as a theoretical term , when misreading began to has its right meaning .

  3. 多数情况下,环境权是一个模糊的理论术语。

    Under most circumstances , Environmental Right is still a vague term .

  4. 因此,我们也有必要对一些重要的理论术语进行追本溯源式地梳理。

    Therefore , it is necessary to comb some important theory terms retroactively .

  5. 关于后现代理论术语翻译的哲学思考

    On English-Chinese Translation of the Terminology of Postmodern Theories

  6. 中医理论术语的逻辑语义问题

    Questions on Logic Semantics of Chinese Medical Terms

  7. 对应规则在科学哲学中是为了解决理论术语的经验意义问题而引发出来的。

    Correspondence rules came from the resolution of the problem of empirical meaning of theoretical terms .

  8. 由于取象比类思维方式的主导地位,中医理论术语的隐喻性普遍存在。

    Because of the dominated analogue thinking way , metaphor existed extensively in Chinese medical terms .

  9. 强调以语言方法处理中医理论术语的模糊性。

    It was stressed that linguistic means was utilized to deal with the indistinction of Chinese medical terms .

  10. 这一状况的存在,表明我们对文学理论术语缺乏相应的反思。

    The existence of this situation indicated that we lack the appropriate reflection about terms of literary theory .

  11. 中医基本理论术语借用西医用语翻译法和仿照西医构词翻译法所对应的中医英语词汇记忆策略

    Mnemonic Strategy for English Vocabulary of TCM Fundamental Theory Formed by Borrowing Translation and Morphemic Translation from Western Medical Terms

  12. 逻辑经验主义者以科学理论术语所指对象作为评判和选择理论的基础。

    The logical empiricist use the objects which terms of scientific theory refer to as the basis of evaluation and choice about theory .

  13. 从诗歌理论术语“张力”入手,剖析诗中初为母亲的“我”的情感变化所凸显的情感张力。

    Ths emotional tension reflected in Plath 's " Morning Song " 's Inarrator 's emotion changes within the poetry term tension is analyzed .

  14. 文章探讨了玄翻译学的定义、翻译的本质、翻译理论术语的厘定原则及个案分析等诸多问题。

    The paper discusses problems concerning the definition of Metatranslatology , the essence of translation , the clarification of translation terminology and model case studies , etc.

  15. 通过对大学组织的整体考察与内部组织分析,以组织理论术语概括了大学组织的一般特征,指出大学组织具有异质结构的特征。

    By observing and studying university organizations comprehensively and analyzing the internal organs , it summarizes the general features of university organizations with terminologies of organization theories .

  16. 该术语一经问世便经历了复杂的嬗变过程,成为当今最流行而又使用最混乱的文学理论术语之一。

    This term has gone through a complex evolution process once it came out , and became one of the most popular and chaos using literary theory terms .

  17. 我的一位攻读英国文学博士学位的朋友曾经向我解释,她不得不使用文学理论术语,“否则其他人会认为你根本不懂”。

    A friend doing a PhD in English literature once explained to me that she had to use literary-theory jargon " because otherwise people think you don 't know it . "

  18. 但是,从本质上来讲,民生新闻还仅仅是业界的一种理论术语,是一种暂时的理论概括。

    But , says from the essence , the livelihood of the people news also merely is the field one kind of theory terminology , is one kind of temporary theory summary .

  19. 就中医理论术语的自然语言特征,运用现代语言哲学和逻辑科学方法,探索解决其多义性、模糊性、隐喻性的途径。

    On the basis of natural linguistic characteristics of Chinese medical terms , modern linguistic philosophy and logic science were employed to seek the approaches for the polysemant , indistinction and metaphor .

  20. 任何一个理论术语都必须具有相应的意义规定和适用范围,否则,对理论术语的随意生造和使用,会掩盖理论发展的线索和深度。

    Terms of any theory must have a corresponding meaning and scope of the provisions , or , on the theory of random coin and use of the term , will cover the clues and depth of theoretical development .

  21. 简要综述了中医基本理论术语借用西医用语翻译法和仿照西医构词翻译法在中医翻译中的重要地位,并进一步探讨了这两种译法所产生的中医英语词汇的有效记忆策略。

    In the article , the importance and feasibility of borrowing translation and morphemic translation from Western medical terms for translating terms of TCM fundamental theory are briefly reviewed , and mnemonic strategy for the memorization of TCM vocabulary formed by the two translation methods is discussed .

  22. 最后,等值这一基于西方语言学翻译理论的术语本身也太过含糊,对它的误解可以说是在所难免。

    Thirdly , the term " equivalence " itself in western linguistic-oriented translation theory is too vague to escape from being misunderstood .

  23. 本文较为详细地介绍了负载牵引法和负载牵引自动测试系统,并对设计自动调配器所涉及到的一些传输线理论和术语作了简要的介绍。

    This paper introduces load pull technique and load pull automated test system in detail . The transmission line theory and terms referred to the design of automated tuner system were introduced in brief .

  24. 然而很多翻译理论家在其研究过程中又不断地借助于语言学,用语言学的一些理论、术语和方法去研究翻译理论,指导翻译实践。

    But many translation theorists choose to recur to some linguistic theory terms and methods to study translation and direct translation practice . Methods : The qualified patient are divided into therapeutic team and contrast team . Method : This study consists of two parts .

  25. 严复的翻译理论在中医术语翻译中的应用

    Application of Yanfu 's translation theory in translation of TCM terms

  26. 运用西方理论时搞术语堆砌;

    Pointless use of technical jargons from Western theories ;

  27. 从关联理论看法律术语翻译的思维过程

    Thinking process of legal terminology from relevance theory perspective

  28. 本色与当行是中国古典戏曲理论的重要术语。

    Natural Color and Adeptness are two important terminologies in the theory of Chinese classic drama .

  29. 秦汉时期,反映中医理论体系的术语体系已经初步形成。

    During the Qin-Han Dynasty , the system of terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) has been initially established .

  30. 本文有一定的意义,通过把同一法律文本中的同一术语的不同翻译进行比较,得出一个关联理论下的术语翻译质量比较机制。

    The present study may help engender an evaluation mechanism to compare the discrepancies between the different versions of the same legal instrument .