
  1. 以基督教的历史发展为背景,总结出教堂建筑的主要型制。

    This paper sums up the main types of church on the background of Christian history .

  2. 通过对基督教的历史研究,我们也由此反观地方社会和国家秩序发生的相应变迁。

    It also demonstrated changes of the local society and the state order when we explored Christianity history .

  3. 从基督教的历史来看,这三个问题始终构成了每个时代的宗教主题。

    From the historical point of view , these three issues have always been the religious themes in every period .

  4. 基督教产生的历史文化背景

    Historical and Cultural Background for the Emergence of Christianity

  5. 论韩国基督教思想的历史演变及其社会影响

    Research on the Historical Changes and Social Influence of South Korea 's Christian Thought

  6. 试论西欧中世纪基督教史学的历史地位

    A Tentative Study of the Historical Status of Christian Historiography in Western Europe in Middle Ages

  7. 文化全球化的历史根源之初探基督教产生的历史文化背景

    On the Historical Causes of the Cultural Globalization Historical and Cultural Background for the Emergence of Christianity

  8. 有人常把西方文明的历史归结为是基督教文明的历史,从这种历史中考察基督教和宪政发展的关系,更加清晰地厘清了基督教在西方宪政产生的过程中发挥的作用。

    People often think of the history of western civilization comes down to is Christian civilization history , from the history of the study the relationship between Christianity and constitutional development , more clearly clarify the Christian has an important role in the process of western constitutionalism .

  9. 鉴于基督教在日本的历史不长,圣诞节的宗教意义并没有什么吸引力,Cooper补充道。

    Since Christianity doesnt have a long history in Japan , the religious aspect of the holiday doesnt have much of a draw , Cooper added .

  10. “使徒行传”叙述基督教最早的历史。

    The Acts of the Apostles relates the earliest history of Christianity .

  11. 基督教音乐总的历史趋势是向世俗化不断转变。

    The general history tendency of Christian music is becoming to the secular .

  12. 从基督教末世论的历史概念到现代历史概念的转变过程,展现了历史时间的构成作用。

    It displays the construing function of historical time during the process of the transition from the concept of Christian eschatology to that of modern history .

  13. 基督教塑造了英国的历史,而且至今还有人信奉。

    Christianity is a living faith which has shaped the history of Britain .

  14. 在中世纪的欧洲,曾有过基督教摧毁异教徒的历史。

    In medieval Europe , there had been the history of Christianity to destroy infidels .

  15. 请记住我们现在所讲的是基督教,非常早期的历史。

    Now you have to remember we 're talking about a very early period in the history of Christianity .

  16. 在劳动阶级和少数民族族群出身的圣经基督教教会传教士群体的历史活动中,明显地表现出了自发的阶级性和民族性的作用。

    Their labor stratum and minority 's group background of missionaries of Bible Christian Church showed the spontaneous effect of class and nationality in their historical activities .

  17. 包括景教(元时称也里可温教)、天主教、基督教、东正教在内的历史上所有来华活动的基督宗教各派都先后涉足过内蒙古地区。

    All of the Christianity which active in the history of China , including Nestorianism , Catholicism , Christianity and Orthodox Eastern Church had set foot in Inner Mongolia .

  18. 基督教在厦门传播的历史是一段中西文化交流的历史,基督教对厦门的近代化历程产生了重要的影响。

    The history of the spread of Christianity in Amoy is actually a history of the cultural communicating between Chinese and the western countries . Christianity also exerts a tremendous influence on the process of modernization of Amoy .

  19. 审视其以基督教的救赎理论解读历史唯物主义的悖理之处,将为重新理解历史唯物主义的未来观、进步观等基本观念扫清道路。

    An Examination of his error to interpret historical materialism by his Christian theology of salvation will clear the way for a re-understanding of the basic ideas , such as the views of future and progress , of historical materialism .

  20. 当人们说那是基督教的核心教义时,其实他们忘了基督教的漫长历史。

    When people talk about that being the Christian thing they 're forgetting the vast sweep of Christian history .

  21. 中国基督教会本色化的边疆实践&基于西康地区基督教边疆服务的历史考察

    The Border Practice of Indigenization of the Church of Christ in China & Based on the Historical Review of Christian Border Service in Xikang Area

  22. 畅销作家与基督教辩护士说笑一筹莫展,希望有新的证据,要求判决将进一步证明基督教信仰的历史文献。

    Bestselling author and Christian apologist Josh McDowell hopes The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict will further document historical evidence of the Christian faith .