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  1. 但以理问他这是怎么回事,亚略就将情节告诉了但以理。

    When Daniel asked what this was all about , Arioch explained what had happened .

  2. 咱们背张司理扣问了茶叶的种类、品质、价钱等题目。

    We have inquired of Manager Zhang about the varieties , quality and price of tea .

  3. 海德堡要理答问这样说:「我不属乎自己,无论是生是死,我都属乎信实的救主耶稣基督」(问答1)。

    The Heidelberg Catechism states ," I am not my own , but belong in life and in death to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ "( Q A1 ) .