
  • 网络Theoretical yield;Theoretical production
  1. 理论产量比对照的增加幅度为0.99%-3.58%。

    Theoretical yield than controls of enhanced 0.99 % 3.58 % .

  2. 花椒籽是一种含油量丰富的木本油料和食物蛋白质资源,其理论产量高出花椒果皮20%,但却因长期未得到合理利用而被废弃填埋或者焚烧。

    The seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim is a food protein resource and a woody oil plant which is riched in lipid , although its theoretical yield is 20 percent more than the pericarp , it was still discarded and landfilled or burned .

  3. 第三,F1理论产量中亲优势与双亲平均值和分子标记测得的双亲相似系数均无显著相关关系。

    The mid parent heterosis of F 1 hybrids in the theoretic grain yield was not correlated to parent average and the parent similitude coefficient identified by SSR ( simple sequence repeat ) markers at significant level .

  4. 利用氮含量方程求算留养密度2180株/ha的毛竹林最高理论产量相应的最适养分含量和临界值,分别为31.15mg/g和32.55mg/g;

    The optimum nitrogen content and critical value of highest theory yield of bamboo forest t ha t with 2180 plants / ha ha d been calculated using regression equation , they are 31.15mg/g and 32.55mg/g .

  5. HT4-5的总穗数与对照相比增加13.8%,理论产量增加显著,这表明转基因株系改变了农艺性状,部分形状得到了改善。

    The total spike number of HT4-5 increased by 13.8 % comparing with the control . Theoretical yields increased significantly , which indicates that agronomic traits of the transgenic plants were altered and parts of the shape were improved .

  6. 结果表明,模型对大麦产量构成因素及理论产量的模拟效果较好,模拟值与观测值吻合度高,显示模型具有较高的预测性和适用性。

    The results showed that the model could well simulate the yield components and theoretic yield with high applicable levels .

  7. 尽管国外学者先后提出了多种填埋气理论产量的预测方法学,但尚没有哪一种方法占主导地位。

    Although foreign scholars have proposed a variety of prediction methodology for LFG theory production , but none of the methods was dominant .

  8. 三者相乘得到的值定义为理论产量,但理论产量和实际产量有时相差甚远。

    The theoretical rice yield is defined by their product . However , sometimes there are considerable discrepancies between theoretical and observed yields .

  9. 用大庆外围2口探井实际资料对比认为,理论产量与实际产量吻合程度很好。

    The comparison made with actual data from two outlying exploration wells of Daqing oilfield indicates that , theoretical output and actual output matches perfectly .

  10. 对杂交中粳80优121在8个不同播期下的生育期、产量因素、理论产量与影响产量因素总积温、光照时数的相关研究。

    The relationship between the growth period , yield component of japonica hybrid rice 80 you 121 and accumulated temperature , light duration was studied .

  11. 得出了不同目标产量时的最佳氮肥用量与追施比例和对应于氮肥不同用量的最佳追施比例及理论产量的动态施肥模式的数学方程。

    The mathematics equations of dynamic fertilization mode were set up to determine the rational N dosage and proportion of additional fertilizer for different production goals .

  12. 本文在[1]论述湖北省农业气候生产潜力的基础上,进一步将理论产量与现实产量进行对比,得出目前湖北省各地气候潜力的发挥程度。

    This article based the potential productivity of agricultural climate in Hubei Province , and compares the possible yield and present yield , geted the development degree of the potential productivity of climate .

  13. 通过对种植密度和施氮量与生物产量之间的关系建立的回归模型预测可知,当种植密度为10.68万株/hm2、施氮量为273.48kg/hm2时能获得最高的鲜物质理论产量70798.72kg/hm2;

    Knowing that the highest theoretic yield of fresh matter is 70 798.72 kg / ha when growing density and applying nitrogenous fertilizer quantity are individually 106.8 thousand plants / ha , 273.48 kg / ha ;

  14. 由三元相图得到理论产量并进行试验验证,结果表明加入乙腈一级结晶可得到纯度为97.5%的二甲苯麝香,加入庚烷二级结晶后酮麝香的纯度为98.1%。

    The experimental results show that musk xylene with a purity of 97.5 % is obtained by adding acetonitrile in one-stage crystallization and musk ketone with a purity of 98.1 % was obtained by adding heptane in two-stage crystallization .

  15. 通过野外试验,对油菜生长季内不同结构的垄作与平作下土壤水分和地上生物量进行了动态观测,并对油菜理论产量和实际产量进行了分析。

    Through field test of rape planting , the seasonal dynamic variation of soil moisture and aboveground biomass under flat tillage and ridge tillage with different structures were observed , and the theoretical and real yields of rape were also analyzed .

  16. 秸秆还田有利于有效穗的形成,但穗粒数和千粒重与无秸秆处理的差别不大。免耕在耕作年限较短情况下明显降低小麦的理论产量和实际产量。

    Straw is conducive to the formation of the effective panicles , but not conducive to increase the number of grain and the weight of grain . Zero tillage can significantly decrease the yield of wheat , when the years of zero-tillage is too short .

  17. 商空间理论在产量预测中的应用

    Application of quotient space theory in yield prediction

  18. 本文通过对大豆公顷4875kg产量潜力的探讨,分析了大豆高产理论和公顷产量4875kg株型特征。指出个体、群体和环境构成了影响大豆单位面积产量的三要素。

    The article indicated that the three elements of soybean yield per unit area are consist of individual plant , population and environment .

  19. 耗散结构理论在区块产量递减预测中的应用

    Application of Dissipative Structure Theory to Forecasting Regional Degression of Output

  20. 灰色理论在芦苇产量预测中的应用研究

    Study of Grey System Theory to Prediction of the Yield of Reed

  21. 粗糙集理论在粮食产量影响因素分析中的应用

    Application of rough set theory on factors analysis of influencing the grain output

  22. 应用数量化理论对区域产量模型的修正和拟合

    The Application of Quantity Theory to Modification and Simulation of the Model of Yield

  23. 运用混沌理论预测粮食产量

    Prediction of grain yield using chaos theory

  24. 用灰色系统理论分析油田产量递减规律

    Production declining analyzed by gray system theory

  25. 将耗散结构理论引入到油田产量预测中,正是充分考虑到油田动态系统是一个与外界不断进行物质和能量的交换、非平衡的、非线性的系统,是耗散结构体系。

    To introduce dissipative structure theory to forecast the output is due to the consideration that dynamic system of oil field is a non-balanced , non-linear dissipative structure that exchanges substance and energy with outside .

  26. 根据低渗透油田油气渗流理论推导出不等产量的注水井和生产井之间驱替压力梯度的分布表达式,可以反映出注水井与生产井之间的压力分布情况。

    The expression of the distribution of displacement pressure gradient between injectors and producers with various productions is deduced pursuant to oil and gas percolation theory in low permeability reservoir , showing pressure distribution between injectors and producers .

  27. 用灰色模型理论分析海洋捕捞产量,按渔具划分建立数值模型并预测浙江省捕捞业发展的特性与趋势,依据该数值模型所作的评估结果,提出了对浙江省海洋捕捞作业结构的调整意见。

    The Characteristics and the trend of Zhejiang ocean fishery were forecasted by gray model which of fishing catch was worked out on fishing gears , and some views of adjusting Zhejiang ocean fishing structure were presented on the basis of these results in this paper .