
  1. 和谐人机交互中理性与情感Agent的理论框架

    A Theoretical Framework of Rational and Emotional Agent for Harmonious Human Machine Interaction

  2. 为了实现和谐的人机交互,本文基于多Agent技术,在人机界面Agent的理性与情感两方面做了有益探索,并给出了相应的联合理论框架。

    In order to realize harmonious human machine interaction , this paper makes some useful efforts on formalizing rational and emotional agents for human machine interface basing on multi-agent technology , and also gives a joint theoretical framework .

  3. 理性与情感的共融&洛阳理工大学图书馆方案设计

    Rational and emotional communion & Luoyang Institute of Technology Library Design

  4. 公文修辞的理性、情感和美感蕴涵

    The Reason , Emotion and Aesthetic Perception in the Rhetoric of Official Documents

  5. 儒家哲学的新课题:理性与情感

    Reason and Passions : the Main Topic of Confucianism

  6. 审美教育是一种以情感为中介的特殊教育,它将感性与理性、情感与理智、性格与意志统一于一身。

    Emotion-centered aesthetic education should unify sense and sensibility , character and volition .

  7. 保护性的友爱的感情。这不是理性的情感。

    A feeling of protective affection . It is not a reasonable passion .

  8. 这不是理性的情感。

    It is not a reasonable passion .

  9. 理性与情感的交融&寻求思想政治教育方法的合理张力

    Reasonableness and emotion to melt effectively & Explore the reasonable tension of thought political education method

  10. 理性和情感的关系是孔子仁学的主要课题。

    The relationship between reason and passions is the main topic of the theory on Benevolence .

  11. 因此,思想政治教育必须在理性与情感的交融中形成合理张力。

    Therefore , the thought political education must become the reasonable tension in reasonableness and emotion melted .

  12. 在中国历史上,信用的主要根据是价值理性和情感。

    However , in the history of China , credit was mainly based on value rationality and sensibility .

  13. 科林.休布伦在每一本游记中亲身经历的旅途同时也包含了极其强烈的理性与情感追寻。

    THE physical journeys that Colin Thubron makes in his travel writing are also intellectual and emotional quests of particular intensity .

  14. 亚里士多德之前的古希腊哲人已经开始从理性和情感欲望的分析中探究德性的生成。

    Ancient Greek philosophers , earlier than Aristotle , entered into the study of creation of virtue by analyzing reason and desire .

  15. 但这一观点在理性和情感上不仅矛盾而且存在着巨大的对基督教本身的误读和误解。

    But on the rationality and emotion , this opinion was not only paradox but also huge misreading and misunderstanding for Christianity itself .

  16. 要实现自由必须把自律与他律结合起来,自律就是以理性克制情感,他律就是建立合乎理性的国家。

    To realize freedom needs to combine self-discipline and he-discipline . Self-discipline means to control emotion with rationality , while he-discipline to build a rationality nation .

  17. 以形式构成的要素来整合作品的理性、情感与情调,是融合抽象特质版画创作的创作原则。

    To form the elements to integrate the work constitutes a rational , emotional and mood , which integrates the abstract creative principle of nature prints creation .

  18. 你的角色如何表演?他缺乏理性,情感过剩,反应强烈?或者他缺乏自信,认为自己没有自尊?

    How does your character act ? Is he irrationally , overemotional , and reactive ? Does he have low self-esteem and believe himself to have little self-worth ?

  19. 他研究观念,目的在于进一步说明清楚情感的运行机制,证明观念为情感服务,理性是情感的奴隶。

    He studied ideas for the intention to account for the mechanism of human passions , arguing that idea is the servant of passions and should serve passions .

  20. 中华民族精神及其传统以理性+情感为精神结构,以情感为实践道德精神的精神哲学基础。

    Chinese national spirit and her tradition take reason and sentiment as their mental structure , and sentiment as the basis of mental philosophy for the practical moral spirit .

  21. 体悟是道德知行转化的基础,它不是脱离实践的内求静悟,而是个体理性、情感和实践的有机结合,它重视亲身经验但不排斥他人经验。

    It is not internal realization deviating from practice , but organic combination of individual rational , emotion and practice . It emphasizes self-experience without excluding others ' experience .

  22. 人其实是因为过度发达的理性和情感而变得极其脆弱的动物,尤其是面对生命威胁的时候,在此,请原谅我始终在回避“死亡”这个字眼。

    Man is becoming extremely fragile for their over developed ration and emotions , especially in times of life threat . Here , please forgive me for avoiding the word death .

  23. 家企同构的用人模式是私营企业主在传统文化和社会转型的背景下,基于经济理性和情感理性双重考虑基础上的一种必然(逻辑)选择。

    Therefore , the resemblance between enterprise personnel and family personnel is an inevitable or reasonable choice made by the enterprise owner under the influence of traditional culture and society transformation .

  24. 品牌文化建设是针对消费者而言的。品牌发展要能满足顾客理性和情感需要的价值,形成品牌信任和忠诚。

    The culture construction of brand should be consumer-oriented , and the development of brand must satisfy rational and emotional needs of customers , and accordingly develop brand trust and brand loyalty .

  25. 在异彩纷呈的后现代语境下,艺术教育的审美品格呈现出多元化发展的态势:技术理性与情感的矛盾,使艺术教育中审美情感得以凸现;

    In the post-modernistic context , aesthetic quality of art education shows a tendency of plural development : the contradiction between technical rationality and emotion makes aesthetic emotion obvious in art education ;

  26. 教师伦理规范作为一种道德要求或命令,是由道德行为者自身,即教师自己提出来的,是出于自身的理性和情感,是一种内在规范。

    Teachers ' ethical regulations , as a kind of ethical requirement or an order are proposed by teachers themselves , and come from their own reason and emotion and are the inner regulations .

  27. 但当蒲柏接受另一位身为总统情人的客户时,她在理性和情感之间的挣扎,最终反映出她自己与众人身陷丑闻时的矛盾状态。

    But when Pope is to represent a client who also had an affair with the president , her struggle between reason and emotion eventually reveals the paradox in her own scandal and those of many others .

  28. 道德认同是生活于一定社会历史时期的人们对社会所形成的道德观念和所提倡的道德规范从理性和情感上予以认可并内化的过程。

    Moral identity is the process of the people to recognize and internalized the moral values and ethics which formed and advocated by social from reason and emotion , who living in a certain historical period of the society .

  29. 在讨论伍尔夫理性的情感艺术观的基础上,论文聚焦女性的句子以及双性同体这两个学术界颇具争议的概念,探讨其中蕴含的关于情感/理性的思考。

    In light of Woolf 's theoretical thinking about reasoned emotion , the two most controversial concepts " woman 's sentence " and " androgyny " are then brought into focus and explored for their implication of emotion / reason .

  30. 运用科学想象的认知机制涉及表象、联想、理性以及情感、直觉和灵感等因素,这些因素之间的有效关联和协同作用决定着科学想象的最佳创造功能。

    The application of cognitive mechanism of scientific imagination involves image , association , rationality , emotion , intuition and inspiration , etc. The optimum creative function of scientific imagination is determined by effective relations and synergetic actions between these factors .