
yīn xìn
  • news;message;tidings;mail
音信 [yīn xìn]
  • [mail;message;news] 信息;书信;消息

  • 他走后杳无音信

音信[yīn xìn]
  1. 他设法把音信从监狱偷带给了他的朋友。

    He managed to smuggle a message out of prison to his friends .

  2. 我给她带了一个音信。

    I carried a message to her .

  3. 我好几个月都没有她的音信了。

    I haven 't heard anything from her for months .

  4. 几个月没有音信之后,打来了一个电话。

    The phone call came after months of silence .

  5. 过了好几个星期,我们还没有得到他们的音信。

    Several weeks passed and we still heard nothing from them .

  6. 迄无音信。

    We have received no information so far .

  7. 后来再也没有听到(有关)他的音信。

    He was never heard of again .

  8. 一从别后,音信全无。

    There has been no news about him since he left .

  9. 他走后音信渺茫。

    We haven 't heard from him since he left .

  10. 火柴和音信一起导致了火灾。

    The match and the fuse together both pilot the fire .

  11. 多年不通音信的亲戚,忽然又露面了。

    Relatives suddenly appear on the scene after years of neglect .

  12. 音信;消息;留言我收到一条留言,说你想跟我联系。

    I got a message you were trying to reach me .

  13. 过了整整三年以后我才又得到他的音信。

    Three full years passed before I heard from him again .

  14. 你有你哥在何处的音信吗?

    Have you any news of where your brother is staying ?

  15. 另一名登山者仍无音信已被假定为死亡。

    A second climber is still missing and presumed dead .

  16. 在他第一封信之后,音信杳然了一段很长的时间。

    After his first letter there was a long silence .

  17. 奇怪的是我们没有他的音信。

    It 's strange we haven 't heard from him .

  18. 两个星期过去了,父亲几乎音信全无。

    Two weeks went by with hardly a word from my father .

  19. 我们很久都没有你的音信了。

    We had lost trace of you for so long .

  20. 我让她忘了我,我让她别给我写回信,因为这没有用,她也真没回信,我已有三年半没有她的音信了。

    And she didn ' t.Not for three and a half years .

  21. 好音信受到欢乐的呼喊。

    The good tidings were received with shouts of joy .

  22. 如果再没有我们的音信。

    But if we are never heard from again .

  23. 给偶像写信,结果却犹如石沉大海毫无音信,这已经很让人恼火了。

    It 's annoying enough to write your idol and never get reply .

  24. 如果她没你半点音信。

    And if she hasn 't heard from you .

  25. 我尚未接到他的任何音信。

    I have heard nothing from him yet .

  26. 你得到他的音信了吗?

    Have you received any word from him ?

  27. 但她去俄罗斯后就音信全无,失去了联系。

    But her to go to Russia after the Yinxin no , lost contact .

  28. 从此,玛格丽特再也没有她的音信。

    Margaret has not heard from her since .

  29. 就像是薇姬自从她走后就音信全�

    Just like Vicki , Who I haven 't heard from since she left .

  30. 亨特利号浮上水面,发出成功信号,但从此再无音信。

    The Huntley surfaced , signalled her success , and was never heard from again .