
yīn xì xué
  • phonology
  1. 三是立足于语音学与音系学的结合。

    Thirdly , the research is a combination of phonetics and phonology .

  2. 简评卡塞的《连接的言语:句法与音系学的相互作用》

    Connected speech : the interaction of syntax and phonology .

  3. 在这一点上,强拍与约束音系学比音节理论、CV理论、X理论和莫拉理论都略高一筹。

    In this aspect , Beats-and-Binding Phonology is considered superior to syllable theory , CV theory , X theory and mora theory .

  4. 后SPE音系学理论的发展取向

    The Developmental Trend of Post-SPE Phonological Theories

  5. 非线性音系学的音节理论、CV音系学理论、X空位理论以及莫拉理论对轻重音节的区别都给出了形式化的表征。

    In the paradigm of non-linear phonology , the difference between heavy and light syllable is represented formally in syllable theory , CV phonology , X-slot theory and mora theory .

  6. 候选项链优选论(OT-CC)是生成音系学领域最新发展的理论。

    Thesis introduces Optimality Theory with Candidate Chains ( OT-CC ) which is a newly-developed theory in the field of generative phonology .

  7. 其终点始终为缺省值L,属音系学范畴。三字组S+N+S中的轻声起点与前字终点协同发音,轻声终点受前、后字调类影响。

    In the pattern S + N + S , while the starting point of the intermediate neutral tone co-articulates with the end point of the preceding tone , the end point is influenced by its surrounding tones .

  8. 音系学理论下英语拼读规律的历时性研究

    Diachronic Study of English Spelling Rules Based on Phonological Theories

  9. 语调研究是当前语音学和音系学研究的重要课题之一。

    The study of Intonation is one of the important problems in phonetics .

  10. 本论文是针对普通话词重音所做的一项音系学研究。

    This study applies a phonological approach to word stress in Chinese Putonghua .

  11. 语音配列研究的新视角&《强拍与约束音系学》评介

    New Horizons in the Study of Phonotactics & An Introduction to Beats-and-Binding Phonology

  12. 语音学和音系学有什么区别?

    What is the difference between Phonetics and Phonology ?

  13. 本文从音系学的角度对汉语儿化进行分析。

    This thesis is to make a phonological analysis of the Chinese r-suffixation .

  14. 银川方言声调连续变调的音系学分析

    A Phonological Analysis of Tone Sandhi in Yinchuan Dialect

  15. 音系学的时长理论

    A survey of studies on length in phonology

  16. 后来,阿尔热又学习了音系学和形态学。

    He then studied phonology and morphology .

  17. 粒子音系学的由来与发展

    Particle Phonology : Its Origin and Development

  18. 生成音系学:问题与发展

    Generative phonology : Problems and developments

  19. 研究语言中词素的词素变体音系学的实现。

    The study of the phonological realization of the allomorphs of the morphemes of a language .

  20. 汉语普通话的管辖音系学特征及提取方法

    Mandarin GP Features and Extraction Method

  21. 实验语音学、生成音系学与汉语轻声音高的研究

    Experimental phonetics , generative phonology and the study of the pitch of neutral tone in Chinese

  22. 语音标准可以区分为音系学和语音学两个层次。

    This article holds that phonetic standard can be approached from both phonological perspective and phonetics perspective .

  23. 历史音系学的新视野

    New Horizon in Historical Phonology

  24. 概率音系学通过研究语音的概率分布来研究音系学,是音系学的新流派。

    Probabilistic phonology is a new approach to phonology , which studies phonology with the help of probability distributions .

  25. 音节以及音节化的相关问题一直是现代音系学理论关注的核心。

    The issues of syllables and syllabification have always been the focus of syllabic theories in the current main-stream phonologies .

  26. 本研究是在生成音系学理论框架下对早期英语弱化元音及其相关音系现象的历时研究。

    The thesis is a diachronic research on the Early English reduced vowel and its related phonological phenomena in Generative Phonology .

  27. 相关学科的进展给汉语历史音系学带来了新前景。

    This paper demonstrates new horizons in the field of historical linguistics , brought about by new development in relevant research fields .

  28. 句法学和音系学研究语言的所有可能的表达结构,而词义学则注重于对可能表达的“意义”研究。

    While syntax and phonology study the structure of expressive possibilities in language , semantics studies the meaning that can be expressed .

  29. 语音教学要更加广泛深入地融入与韵律特征有关的语音学和音系学知识。

    The skill and knowledge of prosodic features should be more extensively and thoroughly integrated into the teaching of phonetics and phonology .

  30. 粒子音系学是生成音系学三个主要整体理论之一,这一理论现已经历了近20年的发展。

    Particle phonology is one of the three major holistic theories of generative phonology . It has now experienced 20 years of development .