
yīn yuè měi xué
  • musical aesthetics;aesthetics of music
  1. 当塞壬遭遇奥德修斯&论阿多诺的音乐美学

    When Siren Encountered Odysseus : on Adorno 's Aesthetics of Music

  2. 孔子音乐美学思想的要点

    Main Points of Confucius ' Aesthetics of Music

  3. 管窥中国古代音乐美学中的情

    Discourse toward the " Qing " of Chinese ancient music esthetics

  4. 苏珊·朗格音乐美学思想探析

    An Analytical Study of Susanne K. Langer 's Music Aesthetics Thought

  5. 音乐美学是研究音乐艺术普遍规律的学科。

    A New Research on JiKang s Ontology of Musical Aesthetics ;

  6. 先秦音乐美学思想札记

    Reading notes from the music aesthetic idea of the pre-qin days

  7. 接受美学理论与音乐美学中的几个问题

    The Aesthetic Theory of Acceptance and Some Questions of Musical Aesthetics

  8. 试析高校艺术素质教育与儒家音乐美学思想

    On university art character education and Confucian music esthetic thoughts

  9. 意识二重性与音乐美学&源自前人的争论

    Consciousness Dualism and Music Aesthetics : Original form Controversy of the Foregoing

  10. 19世纪是欧洲音乐美学思想发展的重要历史时期。

    19th century is a important historical period of Europe musical development .

  11. 这一时期音乐美学思想也极为活跃。

    During this period , musical aesthetic ideas were also very active .

  12. 文章分析了嵇康音乐美学的本体论思想。

    This article analyses Ji Kang 's ontology on musical aesthetics thought .

  13. 柴科夫斯基音乐美学思想的前见探究

    The Research of " Prejudice " of Tchaikovsky 's Musical Esthetics Idea

  14. 论中国古典诗歌音乐美学的两个层面

    On the Two Aspects of the Music Esthetics Features in Classic Poems

  15. 蔡仲德在音乐美学研究中的重要成果,主要涉及两大部分,首要的第一大部分是中国古代音乐美学的研究。

    The first part is Ancient Chinese Music Aesthetics research .

  16. 论20世纪中国的音乐美学研究

    On Research of Music Aesthetics in China in 20th Century

  17. 唐代音乐美学思想的多元特征

    On Pluralistic Features of Music Aesthetic Thoughts of Tang Dynasty

  18. 和:先秦儒家核心音乐美学观

    Harmony : The Core Musical Aesthetical Thought of Confucianism in Warring-State Period

  19. 《琵琶行》的音乐美学浅析

    An Analysis of Musical Aesthetics on Song of Pipa

  20. 中西音乐美学史研究的三重视角

    Triple Visual Angles in Research of Chinese and Western Aesthetic History of Music

  21. 论先秦音乐美学的功利特征

    On the Utility Characteristics of Earlier Qin Dynasty Music

  22. 音乐美学领域内,关于音乐审美体验的论述日趋丰富。

    There is more discussion about musical aesthetic experience in musical aesthetic field .

  23. 这于此种艺术形式在音乐美学方面的发展与贡献紧密相关。

    Which demonstrates that this art form has devoted greatly to music anesthetics .

  24. 在结语中,对其音乐美学思想做了几点思考。

    In the epilogue , the researcher give thoughts about his Music Aestheticism .

  25. 照应古代音乐美学的中国传统建筑审美观

    The Chinese Architectural Aesthetics Corresponding with Traditional Musical Thoughts

  26. 高师音乐美学课程的定位与实践

    Music Aesthetics Curriculum 's Anchor Point in Normal College

  27. 先秦时期和的音乐美学观

    Musical Aesthetic Viewpoints of the Harmony During the Period of Pre-Qin Dynasty Era

  28. 从康德哲学再看音乐美学的基本问题

    Musical Aesthetics from Kant 's Philosophy : Basic Problems

  29. 舒曼声乐作品反映出的情感论音乐美学思想研究&以声乐套曲《妇女爱情与生活》为例

    On Research of Music Aesthetics Idea From the Sensibility in R. Schumann Vocal Works

  30. 《文子》音乐美学思想研究

    The Study on the Aesthetics of Music in