
yīn yuè pínɡ lùn
  • musical criticism;music review;musical comment;musical opinion
  1. 在钢琴作品、艺术歌曲、交响乐、音乐评论等几个领域有着极大的成就与声望。

    In piano music , art songs , a symphony , a few domains such as music review has a great achievement and prestige .

  2. 千呼万唤始出来&中国音乐评论协会学术研讨会述评

    Just Arrived after Urged Repeatedly - Commentary of Chinese Musical Critic Association Symposium

  3. 学术争鸣百花齐放&2009中国音乐评论高层论坛会议述评

    A Conference Review on the High-level Forum of Chinese Musical Commentary in 2009

  4. 他有一份在周末进行音乐评论的工作。

    He has a job diskjockeying on the weekend .

  5. 呼唤新的音乐评论&2004年6月7日在星海音乐学院的演讲

    A Call for New Music Criticism & Lecture at Xinghai Conservatory of Music June 7,2004

  6. 美国音乐评论人莱斯利•戈伯(音译)认为,录制音乐为现场演出树立了错误的标准,因此也会破坏其表现力。

    US-based music critic Leslie Gerber thought that recorded music sets wrong standards for live performances , thereby damaging their expressive quality .

  7. 自1999年以来,我收到过很多推广宣传唱片——这是作为专业音乐评论人需要面对的一项职业危害。

    Since 1999 , I have been receiving promotional copies of CDs , an occupational hazard of my job as a professional music critic .

  8. 舒曼作为十九世纪浪漫主义时期的音乐家在钢琴、交响乐、室内乐、音乐评论等方面都有很杰出的成就。

    As a musician in the Romantic Period Nineteenth Century , Schumann made great achievements at piano , symphony , chamber music , and music critic .

  9. 著有诗集《掌纹》、《筷子的故事》、《月光小夜曲》、散文集《壁虎之恋》及音乐评论集《余韵》。

    His works include Imprint of palm , The story of chopsticks , Moonlight serenade , prose collection The romance of gecko and music commentary Remnant rhyme .

  10. 对论坛上的音乐评论,提出了一种快速的基于模板的内容解析方法,达到了很高的准确率并保留了使用范围的广泛性。

    Presents a fast template-based analysis method of reviews , which achieves a very high rate of accuracy at the same time retaines the broad scope of the application . 3 .

  11. 你可以播放视频,利用3D来解析几何难题,收听音乐以及评论,在电子屏幕上记笔记,做文章注释,还可以与同学在社交网站上分享资料。

    You can play videos , examine geometrical problems in 3D , listen to music and commentary , make notes and mark passages electronically . You can also share stuff on social networking sites with fellow students .

  12. 乐队给自己的音乐做评论音轨

    Bands doing audio commentary on their own music

  13. 对要播放的音乐进行评论。

    Comment on music to be played .

  14. 他就是山姆•史密斯——2014年全英音乐奖“评论选择奖”及英国BBC年度之声冠军获得者,在6月发布第一张专辑《IntheLonelyHour》之前就已经备受瞩目。

    Sam Smith , winner of the 2014 BRIT Critics " Choice Award and the BBC 's Sound of 2014 , grabbed the spotlight even before his debut album In the Lonely Hour was released in June .

  15. 我要写电影、电视节目和新音乐专辑的评论。

    I 'll write reviews of movies , TV programmes and new music CDs .

  16. 魁北克国际音乐节音乐评论

    Critics - International Music Festival of Quebec

  17. 第三部分通过探究凯瑟对艺术,尤其是音乐方面的评论、观点,找出其中的尼采思想,并分析对凯瑟创作的影响。

    Chapter one describes the influence of music , Wagnerian music in particular , on Cather and her works .

  18. 毕业生将学习若干课时的音乐史、音乐评论以及表演。

    Graduates study various periods of music history , music criticism , and performance .

  19. 她还表示,她的话也代表了那些敢怒而不敢言的音乐人。她的评论在音乐界获得了广泛支持。

    But she said that she was also speaking for other musicians who were afraid to speak up about the issue , and her comments found wide support in the music world .

  20. 他是最好记住他的12格罗西协奏曲后,斯卡拉蒂和他的音乐表达的论文,第一次音乐评论英文出版。

    He is best remembered for his12 Concerti Grossi after Scarlatti and his Essay on Musical Expression , the first music criticism published in English .

  21. 鉴于当前音乐生活的多元发展势态,我们的音乐评论急需获得迅速的发展,急需改变原有的模样,以适应日新月异的音乐生活的需要。

    According to the multi-development situation of present musical life , it is of urgent need for our music criticism to change the original patterns and suit the rapid change .

  22. 罗伯特·亚历山大·舒曼(RobertAlexanderSchumann1810-1856)是德国浪漫主义音乐时期重要的作曲家,他的音乐作品以及音乐评论都是德国浪漫主义音乐时期的典范。

    During the Germany Romantic period of music , Robert Alexander Schumann ( 1810-1856 ) was an important composer whose musical works and reviews set an example at that period .

  23. 表演创造合理性的研究不仅是音乐表演理论中的重要话题,而且对于音乐评论以及表演实践来说也具有一定的指导意义。

    As such , the study of rational range is not only an important issue in musical performance theory , but also instructive to music critic and performance activity .

  24. 李斯特是西方音乐史上最伟大的浪漫主义音乐家之一,他在音乐创作、钢琴演奏、指挥、音乐评论及钢琴教学方面都做出了极为突出的贡献。

    Franz liszt is one of the greatest romantism music masters in western music history . He made outstanding contribution to composition , piano performance , conduct , music commentary and piano teaching .