
yīn yuè zhǐ huī
  • musical director;conductor
  1. 他是一个杰出的现代交响音乐指挥。

    He stands alone as a conductor of modern Symphonic music .

  2. 音乐指挥及指导奎勒莫•魏斯曼是阿根廷一位知名的音乐家。

    Guillermo Vaisman , the conductor and musical director , is a famous Argentine musician .

  3. 通过与姐姐——小提琴家郑京和(Kyung-whaChung)与大提琴家郑明和(Myung-whaChung)——表演三重奏,他崭露头角,后来又在国际上开始了音乐指挥生涯。

    He rose to prominence while playing in a trio with his sisters - the violinist Kyung-wha Chung and the cellist Myung-wha Chung - before embarking on an international conducting career .

  4. 音乐指挥实践美学初探

    On The Music Conduct

  5. 1958年他成为纽约爱乐乐团的音乐指挥&是第一位出生在美国的执掌顶尖交响乐团的指挥。

    In1958 , he became music director of the New York philharmonic-the first American-born conductor to head a top symphony orchestra .

  6. 员工认为职业与家庭生活冲突最小的一些职业有:审计员、建筑师、工程师、音乐指挥和作曲家,还有艺术家。

    Among others in which workers report the least interference between job and family life : auditors , architects , engineers , music directors and composers , and fine artists .

  7. 你是如何开始古典音乐的指挥的?

    OB : How did you get into classical conducting ?

  8. 论布莱兹的音乐创作及其指挥艺术

    Music Composition and Conducting Art of Boulez

  9. 主要对布莱兹的音乐创作、指挥艺术等方面进行深入的探讨,对于研究当代指挥家及现代音乐的发展有着重要的意义。

    This paper mainly discusses music composition and conducting art of Boulez , which might be important for the studies on contemporary conductors and the development of modern music .

  10. 2013年拜罗伊特音乐节,他指挥演奏的华格纳(Wagner)“指环(Ring)”系列也掌声不断,尽管原作不属上乘。

    And in 2013 , his conducting of Wagner 's " Ring " cycle at Bayreuth was applauded , even if the production was not .

  11. 很多人将自组织与音乐表演和“指挥交响乐”相提并论,但不是所有人都同意。

    Allusions to musical performance and " conducting the orchestra " abound-but not everyone agrees this is apt.