
  • 网络Sound engineer
  1. 耳机厂商Monster公司创始人兼CEO、Beats公司首席音响师李美圣称:耳机是第一款大范围被人们接受的可穿戴设备。

    Headphones were the first mass-accepted wearables , says Noel Lee , founder and CEO of headphone maker Monster and the lead sound engineer for the original Beats headphones .

  2. 音响师运用一系列技术来提高录音质量。

    Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings

  3. 我发现,尚音在斯德哥尔摩有一个由十名专家组成的手机团队,马歇尔位于布莱切利的音响师也密切参与了手机的研发过程,以确保London手机的音效充分具备马歇尔的风格。

    Zound has a 10-strong phone team in Stockholm , I discovered , and Marshall 's sound engineers in Bletchley have also been closely involved to ensure the London sounds sufficiently Marshall-like .

  4. 经过长期的辛劳写作以及彻底的修改,这张“混音”成功地将卑微的的DJ音响师和制片人们变成了巨星。

    From extended workouts to radical reworkings , the ´ remix ´ has managed to turn humble DJs and producers into superstars .

  5. 有些DJ音响师往往会比那些和他们一起工作的演员更出名,但是这里的结果却不是这样。

    While some DJs have become even more recognizable than the acts that they work with , that is not the case here .

  6. 我的下一场演出音响师鼓声起好声音比赛

    Now my next show is gonna be drumroll please A singing competition

  7. 什么时候成这样了音响师突然改主意了

    When did this happen ? Deejay had a change of heart .

  8. 浅析音响师的听力技能

    On Sound Men ′ s Hearing Skill

  9. 他们在本地创造的就业机会(如发型师、音响师、快餐外送)大多都是暂时性的。

    The local jobs they create ( hairdressers , sound technicians , pizza deliverers ) are mostly temporary .

  10. 这里更多的是表现作品的内涵以及灯光师、音响师的主观意识。

    More emphasized are the inside of the works , and the subjective ideology of the light or sound technicians .

  11. 也许他不是没有那么好的歌手,而音响师试图通过混音来掩盖他的声音。

    Maybe he 's just not that good a vocalist and the sound engineers are trying to cover it up in the mixing .

  12. 在调音过程中,音响师要根据自己的听音感觉以及对声音的理解调整音响设备,通过对声音信号进行各种加工处理,达到声音真实再现、美化和修饰的目的。

    In modulating , the sound man modulates sound equipments on his own hearing sense and his comprehension of sounds , sound signals are processed for the purpose of exactly reproducing and beautifying sounds .

  13. 而听音的准确程度和声音控制的完美与否,与音响师对声音和音乐的理解能力、耳朵的听力好坏、听音心理和对声音的认知程度等有重要关系。

    But the exact hearing and the perfect control of sounds is connected with sound man 's ability to understand sounds and music , his good ear , hearing psychology and the cognition of sounds .